
Friday, August 26, 2011


Threw a blanket on the couch, took a nap there earlier.

I'm guessing a late afternoon nap is out of the question!  At least for me.


Monday, August 22, 2011

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Thursday, August 18, 2011

How come my brain gets a vacation if I don't?

People have their blood drawn from time to time.  And when they do, if they are an adult they are usually familiar with which arm is better for an easy stick and good blood flow.  Er .. at least they know which one usually works the best.  As do I.  So when I had to have blood drawn the other day I sat down in the chair and offered up my left arm.  "The vein is sideways but it's the one everyone uses so this is the side."  

The gal did the stick and filled one tube but on the 2nd tube she wasn't having any luck.  "Wow, this has slowed wa-a-a-y-y down, not getting much now."  She kind of moved the needle a bit inside the vein which triggered my internal squeamish switch and I had to talk myself out of getting light headed and freaking out.  Finally she decided to try the other arm.  On went the band-aid and in when the needle in my right arm.  "Oh that's better."  She said, "It's filling right up." 

A minute later I was done and walking out with a band-aid covering a lump of gauze on each arm which caused a little girl to gape in horror as she waited her turn.  Sheesh!  And as I reflected on it later I realized - I had given her the wrong arm.  

Which begs the question, where does my brain go, sometimes?  Does it just check out and some other thinking (or non-thinking) device takes it's place?  I mean - it was instinctual - here - this is the arm, use this one.  

Sometimes I just have to ask WTF??


Monday, August 15, 2011

Saturday, August 13, 2011

The sky is falling!

At least that's what my kitties think.  All of a sudden it got dark, the cats got a little restless.  Then the sky opened up, the rain started to fall and then there was hail.  All in quick succession.

And the kitties scattered.

The hail stopped but the rain continues.  The kitties are a little more relaxed but the rolling thunder is still sending them back to their hiding places from time to time.  

I just wish I could explain it to them.  Can you imagine how scary it is for them?


Thursday, August 11, 2011

Who's in charge here?

I post Maxine and then next thing I know - it's almost Friday!  What happens in-between??  
What is it about the space created by my leg and my behind that this kitty loves to cuddle up to?  I really don't get it.  But she gets so comfy there.

Of course now I can't move because I'll disturb her. They own me, I tell ya.


Monday, August 8, 2011

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

It's not hard

Him:  Hello, Dr So and So and So and So's office ~

Me:  Hi.  I have to make an appointment for an ultrasound apparently.

Him:  Okay, let me see what I have ...

Me:  Soon as possible soon as possible soon as possible ..

Him:  I'm sorry, what's your name?

Me:  BetteJo This and That.

Him:  Oh Hi!  How are you?

Me:  I'm fine, except that I have to have an ultrasound.  Is this Jason?

Him:  Yep.  It's me.

Me:  I thought you'd be off backpacking somewhere by now, where was that supposed to be?  Alaska, you said?

Him:  Yeah, but not till next year.  You remember that?  Do you have your gallbladder?

Me:  Why yes, I have it right here in a jar.  So you're waiting until next year?

Him:  Yes.  How about the 10th at 4:30 - ay-y-y .. ay-y-y?  Soon enough?

Me:  Sure that works for me.  Do I need to bring my gallbladder?  

Him: If it's in your body, yes.  Otherwise no.  How about if you just call in here every day?

Me:  I can do that, I mean - work needs to be fun, right?

Him:  You got that right.  Okay, Wednesday the 10th at 4:30, you need to fast for 4 to 6 hours -

Me:  46 hours??  For an ultrasound?  I swear I can account for my gallbladder!

Him:  (laughing) NO!  4 to 6 hours, not 46!  So does this work for you?

Me:  Yes that works, (relief in my voice) okay, I'll see you then.

Him:  Okay, take care.

Me:  You too.    

It's not hard to make someone smile, as a matter of fact - it's pretty easy if you want to.  


Monday, August 1, 2011