
Monday, July 30, 2012

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


This is part of my daily commute.  Coming home I make a right turn onto this road and pass a long line of cars and trucks going the other direction, all in line to turn left onto the street I just traveled.  In the morning, I avoid doing what these cars and trucks are doing by finding a different route.  Why don't they?

Yikes!  Wouldn't you?

Monday, July 23, 2012

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Reveling in it

One of the best parts of buying a house is being able to personalize things.

In the bathroom -

So much fun!  Might have to distress those shelves though.  So what do you makes yours at your house?

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Do you like to save money?

Do you shop online?  I'm not asking if you shop online as much as I shop online, that would be just silly.  Not many people shop online as much as I do.  Heh.  But when you shop online, do you shop around and try to find the best deals?  

Looking for another purse tonight, there's just something about the right red bag .. ahem .. I found one I liked, took the manufacturer and name of the bag and searched.  A Google search will do, and I usually also do a search at The Find.  It's basically a shopping search site where you can search multiple stores for a single item and see the prices as well.  Very handy.  But I digress from my point.  After finding where the best price was for the bag I wanted, I went to a coupon site by doing a Google search for promo codes.  In this case all I typed was "ebags coupon codes".  There are many coupon sites, some codes work and some don't but it never hurts to type a promo code into a shopping cart, I have been known to try several until I find one that works.  Tonight, ebags had a sale with 20% off many bags.  I pulled a coupon code from Coupon Cabin and punched that in while checking out at ebags.  It gave me a choice - did I want to save 20% with the current sale, or 30% with the coupon code?  Well I'm no dummy, you know what I picked!  But y'know what?  Some stores will allow you more than one coupon code.  So you might find one for 15% off and another for free shipping.  Or better!  

So if you shop online like I do - try not to miss these deals!  It only costs you a little time and it is so worth it.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

In my next life ..

..I mean really, wouldn't it be great to be able to stretch out and nap wherever you wanted to - regardless of anything going on around you?  Nice.  This crabby old man cat increasingly just wants to be with me, on me, near me.  I think he's getting close to the end of his road, he's tired.  He sleeps on my bed most nights, and many times during the day as well.  His life seems to revolve around me now.  That's okay, he could be in pain or uncomfortable or unable to eat or something, but he's not.  So I'll let him sleep on my bed or my foot or wherever if it makes him happy.

On the other hand, he could be putting on a good act just to get more attention.  He's not above that kind of subterfuge.


Monday, July 16, 2012

Thursday, July 12, 2012

New house, new job and another stupid thing I did.

Remember when I sent the email saying goodbye to my co-workers before I let my boss know I was resigning? Yeah, only me.  Well, I did something else a week or so later.  Heh.  My old job allowed me to wear jeans and gym shoes every day.  Sometimes I wore a top too.  I jest.  I went topless.  Okay, no one would want to see that.  Ahem.  The new job requires business attire, maybe a bit casual business, but definitely not jeans and gym shoes.  So I had to shop.  Usually my daughter advises me on these purchases but she couldn't go with me on the last shopping trip I made - 2 days before my first day of work.

What would YOU do?

Why - you would send her a text with pictures of what you bought, right?  Yep, logical.

So that's what I did.  And then I got a text back saying "are you texting me for fashion advice?" from ... my new boss.  Heh.

My daughter is Dani.  My boss is Dan.  I sent him pictures of my new outfits.

Dani (the real daughter) told me "Mom, step away from the SEND button.  It is not your friend."

Understatement maybe!?!?


Tuesday, July 10, 2012

So many changes!

So many things have happened recently, and I have been feeling for a while like A Bead a Day did not describe my blog accurately.  I decided to redecorate, rename, and move on.  Besides, there is a lady out there who also has a blog by that name who really does write about beads, so maybe it's time to let her have the name to herself.  Coming up with a name was tough though, well, names are easy - urls are not.  So in the end I decided on Being BetteJo because well .. it wasn't taken and it really is what I write about.  I hope it does not strike you as too self aggrandizing or something but it does have some significance to me besides just saying hey look at me!!  Because now - at this time in my life I feel like I am finally, truly, being BetteJo.


Oh .. still working on the details but .. I am at my new house too!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Thursday, July 5, 2012

So this is what it's come to!

At work today sitting across the desk from my new boss we heard rain starting to hit the windows.  We were startled because it's been in the hundreds here, and rain has come in very short but violent bursts.  Rain wasn't expected today, at least not by us.

We both looked out the window and then simultaneously reached for our phones to check the weather.

*blink, blink*

I mean - if it rains but your phone doesn't show it - is it really raining?


Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy day!

There's certainly a lot to be said for living in the U.S.A.!  Have a wonderful and safe holiday!
