
Thursday, August 30, 2012

Does this change things for you?

Cause this doesn't look photo-shopped to me and if it's real - the world may not be anything that I thought it was.


Monday, August 27, 2012

Look at my Jakie!

Took Jakie to the vet this evening, and asked them to shave some spots on her sides.  Turns out it's really hard to give a tiny, skinny kitty a shot - it's hard to tell if you're getting that insulin under her skin, or into a handful of fur.  The vet tech said they actually suggest doing this sometimes and surprisingly, some owners will not let them alter their kitty's coat.  ?   Jake doesn't mind, why would an owner have a problem with it if it helps getting their kitty well?  Or at least helps getting their condition stabilized?  Anyway.

Giving Jake her injection after the haircut was easy peasy, no problem at all.  She might have to stick with this hairstyle for a while - maybe she'll start a trend!  Sh-h-h-h...that's what I'm telling Jake anyway.  She's sex-ay!


Friday, August 24, 2012

What the hell does this say about us?

I'm not making this up.  If you live in New York you may see a large van driving down the street with DNA TESTING emblazoned across the side.  And WHO'S YOUR DADDY as well.  If you wanted to, you could flag down that van and do a Maury Povich right there.  What questions do you have about paternity?  Are there so many people that do not know whose children they bore that they need a mobile DNA testing van to drive by?  Are there that many people who question their parentage?  And does this say something about us as a nation?  As a civilization for goodness sakes?

I think it's all crumbling, I swear.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Desperately stealing from email ..

I got nothin', so I thought I would share what came to my inbox.

I will admit to texting or emailing my son when he is in the basement and I am upstairs.  Progress? 

Monday, August 20, 2012

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Norah update

Norah is taking her compounded tuna flavored liquid meds like a champ, taking it slow but feeling a lot better.  Her legs are holding her up just fine and she can get back up on the couch again by herself.  Not sure she's supposed to be yet, but she didn't really listen when the doc told her to get some serious rest. No idea if this will be a progressive problem but for now .. Norah is doing much better!


Thursday, August 16, 2012

Just sayin'.

My reaction to the first political solicitor of the season.  My temporary sign until I can buy one that will not melt in the rain.  Remember how much I hate the phone?  Strangers at my door might be even worse.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Oh yes I did!

I told my daughter when I bought these Crocs (adorable, aren't they?) that they were for in the yard, going in and out to the garage, car, etc.  And they are.  But apparently they are also for putting air in my tires and putting gas in my car too.  Same thing, right?

I think so.


Monday, August 13, 2012

Thursday, August 9, 2012

I'm a big girl now!

Every single day at work I am reminded that I am 53 years old.  And while I am not grateful for the reminder every single time, many times it is a wonderful thing!  Frequently I am shaking my head at the naivete of the younger people surrounding me, the ignorance of life and the world around us.  Funny too, I am not ever the most worldly or traveled person in the room.  Never.  But oh just to exist on the planet for 53 years .. the knowledge that comes with that is startling when compared with many young adults of today.  And while I wouldn't mind looking like I did at 20, 30, even 40, I wouldn't want to go back.  It's been said that as we age and women in particular approach a certain age *ahem* they can be the happiest they have ever been.  There is something to that I think.  But when I was younger, you might not have been able to convince me of that.  Ah .. experience is a wonderful teacher.  I hope when you are here, you will be able to embrace it as well!


Monday, August 6, 2012


So almost $400.00 later .. seems Norah has a disk in her back pressing on her spinal cord, causing the weakness in her back legs.  We think.  Hard to tell for sure on the x-rays - we are trying anti-inflammatory drugs for now, to see if that will help.  If that doesn't help we may need a neuro consult, and more tests to rule out something like tumors or God knows what.  Poor Norah.

I ask you, what is next?  And .. does anyone know if nursing homes for kitties exist for working "moms" who can't be home with the kitties all the time?  Thinking I also need help with sentence structure but I'll wait for that.  Sorry.  Might be time to start enjoying some wine.

Like I said, Oy.


Do cats have expiration dates?


So there is Riley, crabby ol' man cat with an overactive thyroid and perpetual mats.  Then there is Jake, sweetest little girl kitty ever, with an overactive thyroid and now insulin dependent diabetes.  In order of age next is Norah, my full figured girl.  Besides her weight there have never been any issues. Last night (okay this morning) my son woke me up at 2:30 am because Norah was splayed out in front of the bathroom door on her belly, and couldn't get up.  Every time she tried to put her legs under her they just slid right out again.  I put my hand underneath her and supported her and she was able to walk a little, but her legs were not holding her up well.  I picked her up and put her on my bed (normally she goes up the stairs I have there for her) and there she stayed.  I brought her food and she ate, water, she didn't drink.  Took her to the litter box once but she didn't go.

When I think about it, she hasn't been moving around much lately, not coming when called to eat, not climbing up on the couch to nap, etc.  But I have been worried about Jakie with her recent weight loss and diabetes diagnosis so I thought Norah might have a little stomach upset and dismissed it.  A good vomit (hairball) usually takes care of that.

Last in line is Abby, the evil kitty who wants to eat my face.  Yours too.  So far, so good with her which is really good news because she is next to impossible to handle.  Still, with all the medical issues lately I guess I should keep an eye on her too!

I take Norah to the vet this afternoon unless there is a cancellation sooner.  She's not in pain, doesn't seem anxious or unhappy even.  So what it could be is a mystery to me.  I guess we will see.  Stay tuned.


Thursday, August 2, 2012

If it's not one ..

                      .. it's the other.

Aren't they handsome kitties?  Riley and Jake when they were kids.

Now, both have thyroid disorders and take meds.

Today it was confimed that Jakie has diabetes.  I go on Saturday to learn how to give her shots. This getting old crap is for the birds.  Even for them!


Wednesday, August 1, 2012

I'm in love. No, really!

Tell me you've seen The Bronson Pinchot Project on DIY.  This guy is wonderfully knowledgeable about Greek revival and other revival and restoration (whatever!) but best of all he is terrifically silly, self effacing and eccentrically fun.  And endearing.  Let's not forget endearing.  That's probably the best part.  He should have this show.

Here is his old country kitchen - if I am not mistaken - there is a door behind those shelves on the left, and the cooktop was dropped into that antique table on the far right.  Not sure where he hid the oven but I was quite impressed!

In the picture below - see the cabinets to the right of that doorway?  That is a facade for the modern refrigerator.  How awesome is that??

One of the things I love about the show is that Bronson is genuinely passionate about restoring old architecture but the show is so fun.  If you haven't seen it, I recommend you give it a look-see.  You don't have to like DIY stuff to enjoy the show.  It always makes me smile.