
Friday, November 30, 2012

I like red meat, I cannot lie.

Knowing I was going to dinner at a restaurant I wasn't familiar with tonight, I hopped on the internet last night to see what was on the menu.  I'm notoriously indecisive when it comes to big selections of food, so getting an idea ahead of time seemed like a good idea.  Turned out the selection wasn't huge so I wouldn't have a problem choosing, but it was rather expensive.  I mean I guess everything is expensive compared to the Taco Bell menu.  Heh.  This is what I chose:
Ribeye Bone-In, Aged 28 Days, Roasted Garlic Mashed Potatoes 18 oz. 45
Now first of all, I'm so smart I thought a ribeye was a smaller cut of meat.  I don't know why, but that was what was in my head.  Garlic mashed potatoes, yum!  I thought 18 dollars was a pretty good price for a nice steak and I didn't want something big, no fries, no soup and salad and bread and all that.  Keep it simple or I can't eat it all anyway.

Wasn't I surprised when adding a glass of wine to my meal brought my portion of the bill to 50 dollars!  For 50 bucks I should have known that meat's name.  I should have put my arm around it, romanced it a bit, said sweet things to it.  But maybe I should have read the menu correctly and noticed it was 18 ounces (SMALL??) and not 18 dollars.  What did I think the '45' meant?  I'm guilty of skimming and not reading fully.  My fault.

It WAS done perfectly, very tender, and the Bearnaise was awesome.  Not complaining, just demonstrating how amazingly air headed I can be.  And I guess I must be pretty special to myself because tonight?  I bought myself the most expensive meal on the menu.  Yay me!

* Wait a minute.  Aged 28 days???  50 bucks and the meat was OLD???  Sheesh.


Monday, November 26, 2012

Friday, November 23, 2012

My family is just weird.

Sometime Thanksgiving morning, I received an email from one of my brothers.  One brother lives on the east coast and the other lives on the west so I wasn't seeing either of them for the holiday so an email wouldn't be unexpected.  But this one was.  After a short statement about a real estate issue he went on to say: would appear that I have had a heart attack. Cath tomorrow to access damage...will advise. 

Well, okay then!

After a flurry of emails on my part, I finally spoke to him today.  He's good, the heart attack was actually probably a few months ago, but some symptoms showed up that sent him to the ER yesterday.  He has had more tests and is working out a treatment plan with a cardiologist and his primary care physician.  Does not look like surgery will be indicated, which is good news.  He says he is listening to his doctors - I just hope he's better at taking care of himself than he is at informing people!

But then - that's my family!


Thursday, November 22, 2012

Monday, November 19, 2012

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

IV electronics

Plugging my laptop in when the battery was low the other night, I happened to see my Kindle on a table on the other side of the couch, and realized it needed to be charged.  I found the cord and plugged it into my laptop.  I went into the kitchen and picked up my cell phone to put it in my purse when I saw it too, was on low battery.  I took that into the living room and plugged it into the USB on the opposite side of the laptop to charge.  Back to the kitchen I went to drop my bluetooth into the side pocket of my purse when I remembered hearing it warn "talk time, 1 hour" earlier in the day.  I plugged that into an outlet in the kitchen.

Blink.  Blink.

Did I miss anything?


Monday, November 12, 2012

Monday, November 5, 2012

Unseen dangers and bad judgment.

My new job has hazards I never really gave any thought to before.  See this nice intersection here?  See that red light there?  Right after this photo was snapped, a green arrow appeared there, and a car pulled into that right lane and turned the corner on the arrow.

Unfortunately, by the time I followed that other car and zipped around that corner myself (quickly, I might add) the arrow had disappeared.  Ahem.  Quite clearly.  Heh.

A hundred bucks a pop for these kinds of tickets, not to mention endangering the general public.

DOH!  My bad.

**actually it looks like I've got the pictures out of order which means that arrow was even longer gone than I thought when I went through it.  YIKES!