
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

People I don't follow on Instagram

  • Boys whose entire feed consists of pictures of themselves looking in the mirror.

  • Men whose entire feed consists of pictures of themselves looking in the mirror.

  • Girls whose entire feed consists of pictures of themselves looking in the mirror.

  • Women whose entire feed consists of pictures of themselves looking in the mirror.
Wait - I'm sensing a pattern here ..
  • Anyone who posts pictures of their weed.

  • Pictures that put guns and money in the same photo.

  • People who put major profanity on every other photo.
  • Men who take pictures in front of the mirror grabbing their crotch.

  • Women who take pictures from above, looking down at their heaving bosoms.
I will almost always follow:
  • Cats

  • French Bulldogs 

  • Pretty pictures.
Yes, on Instagram I indulge my "show me cute or pretty" inner self.

And even though I am a cat person through and through - I have fallen head over heals for Frank.  Oh take a peek, you know you want to. He is more adorable than an animal has a right to be.  He has an older brother named Manny who is also quite cute, but I've always had a thing for the younger ones.


** Edited to add - Some jerk hacked Frank's account on Instagram and all his pictures were lost.  I am SO sad about this!  There will be a new account but many photos were lost.  What do hackers get out of this?  I don't get it.  Here's the new link to see how cute Frank is!

Monday, July 29, 2013

Friday, July 26, 2013

Someone broke into my house ...

... and dropped stuff on every flat surface!

I mean, how else does THIS happen??

I mean really, who keeps everything from a chamber pot to a crock pot on their kitchen island??

Really need to check the locks.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Monday, July 15, 2013

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Issues. We all haz 'em. RIGHT?

It's officially been one year since I started my new job. There have been consequences that were unexpected and probably unwarranted, that I need to work on.

Working at one place for 25 years, you develop a reputation as maybe a good worker, a friendly person, someone who is worthwhile - or not I suppose.  After that period of time the way people view you is not usually as shallowly as when they first meet you.  They know you for how you perform your job, how you treat people, and have long ago learned who you are and not just who you seem to be.

In my case, I went through many changes at that place of employment. I worked there when I went through my divorce, I lost 25 lbs and gained 35, lost 40 and gained 50 over the years.  I worked at night and during the day, worked with different groups of people in different positions.  Adjusted to at least 10 different bosses.  My hair was halfway down my back and blond streaked, all the way to about an inch long and red in color. People I was close to left the company and new people came.  My kids graduated from middle school and high school and went on to college.  My Mom passed away, my daughter got married and I bought a house.  Life moved along.

Leaving that job was like a divorce.  A traumatic one.  It was a place I thought I would retire from, having given it my best and being proud of how I had performed.  Instead, things went downhill and I used the analogy of being in an abusive relationship.  Whatever they did to me, no matter how many times, I would still stay and say "yes sir".

There were several breaking points where I wanted to jump but it wasn't until a new opportunity fell in my lap that I actually did.  Had to put on some really big - big girl panties to do it, but I did it. It felt GREAT!

But there were things I did not anticipate.

I forgot what it's like to make a first impression, and to do it from the standpoint of being 25 years older, much heavier than when I was the new person before, and being the only person in the whole company (it's small) without a college education.

Can you say insecurities?

I can't say that I have done anything in the last year to shine, to be worthy of notice, to be commended for.  I am doing my job but the fact that I don't already know everything by virtue of experience, and the fact that it's not as easy for me to learn new things - frustrates the hell out of me.

And then there is the guy with the fat comments.

See here.

At my old job I would have been like - kiss my a$$!  But at my new job, I am not confident enough in my position, in how I match up to my coworkers to have that attitude.  So I am having a little crisis of confidence right now and it makes me mad because that is not who I am.  Still - not feeling great about myself and you know what?


Now I just need to figure out how.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Cheeseburgers do a body good! ( alternatively titled - cat lady talks cat )

Riley is 20 now.  He's bony and cranky and sleeps a lot which is probably quite normal for a cat his age.
But recently he started losing more weight than the doc was comfortable with so I needed to address that.

His cat food has been upped to the point where he gets at least twice what the other cats do, and his reward for his Monday vet trip has become a stop at McDonald's on the way home to pick up a cheeseburger which he loves. Giving him a quarter tablet of an appetite stimulant in the morning is a regular thing, and a package of hot dogs in the fridge are there just for Riley. He gets to lick the ice cream bowl and anything that has contained some kind of cheese product. He is enjoying his old age!

One of the last visits to the vet - they had to feel his belly to make sure he wasn't constipated - he had gained so much weight!  You wouldn't know to look at him probably, he's still a skinny old guy, but not like before. He still tends to look rumpled and and squinty and disgruntled a lot of the time ...

And his Yoda ears crack me up.

He has to be on my lap all the time ..

.. and if I'm not petting him, he's asking why!

He stalks me while I'm eating ..

.. and sometimes helps himself when I'm not looking!

Wheat Thins!
He enjoys his Monday cheeseburgers ..

... and synchronise sleeps with Norah.

Sometimes he shares space with Abby ...

.. sort of.

Mostly - he's as happy as a crabby ol' man cat can be these days!

.. and since we lost Jake - I can't help but give Riley as much attention as I reasonably can.  And what's a few cheeseburgers between friends, anyway?

Monday, July 8, 2013

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Google sucks but I'm over it.

So what did you end up deciding on to replace Google Reader?  I ended up choosing NetVibes.  I was able to mess with it and get it to look and work as close to what I was used to - as possible.  I have been using it for a few weeks now and I am perfectly happy with it.

I have never been good with change, but good thing I took Google at their word and found a replacement because when I clicked on the reader today there was a polite message thanking me for stopping by.  Did I mention how Google sucks?  Anyway, I am surprised I have adjusted so well, I hope everyone else who relies on their reader as much as I do - has been able to find something to their liking as well.

And oh by the way - Google sucks.  Me thinks they have gotten too big for their britches.

Monday, July 1, 2013