
Monday, September 19, 2016

So I have this cute little foster cat ..

She's adorable, sweet, and calm.  Fostering is something I've wanted to do for a long time but until I started working from home a lot, I didn't think I could do it.  I stumbled across a local rescue/foster group on Instagram and now - I'm on my second kitty.


This kitty is small, she's afraid of being picked up but loves pets and will curl up next to me on the couch.  Really sweet little girl with Garfield eyes and short little legs.

At first I kept her separate from my cats, but I knew she was vetted and healthy except for an ear infection she has meds for, so 3 days after she was nose to nose with my cats through a baby gate I decided to let her out to explore.  She wasn't afraid and in the first day had climbed up the cat tree to to the top of the china cabinet where my cats like to sleep.  She wasn't afraid of my cats, nor did they find her threatening.

Then she got a wild hair.

Sometime during the night last night strange noises woke me up and there was this little kitty on my dresser - walking between my earring holder and the mirror.  I got there just in time to catch the earring holder before it hit the floor, knowing I wouldn't find all the earrings until morning.  Later .. something did hit the floor and I realized it was my alarm clock.  Yep, it was her again.  A smaller thud - and my router was knocked over.  I vowed to sleep through anything else that happened.

This morning at my desk working I had just called a client when little Miss Thang jumped up on my desk and knocked my tea over .. which spilled on my keyboard!  So there I am talking to a client while rushing into the bathroom and dumping tea out of my keyboard and getting paper towels to clean up the mess.

And I'm laughing.  Couldn't help it!  HAD to laugh.  Sweet little girl kitty - I have no idea if she's ever had a home of her own or if she's ever had the run of a house before.  She'll get used to it.  After all, she's just learning how to cat!

Friday, August 12, 2016

Selfish. Just selfish.

TV these days doesn't interest me much.  Let me clarify - TV is on ALL the time at my house. During the week when I am not working - the news is on.  I do DVR General Hospital, my guilty pleasure, but I've never seen Modern Family, Grey's Anatomy, Glee or Game of Thrones. Late night before bed it's Forensic Files, Homicide Hunter or anything similar.  But in the last 4 years or so I have developed an addiction to Criminal Minds.  It started when I stumbled across weekend marathons and couldn't tear myself away.

The show has gone through many changes, most long running shows do.  But there is a core group of people I associate with the show, the cast members I have seen the most.  Mandy Patinkin was great, but he was on before I started watching so I never missed him.  When A.J. Cook was gone for a while I did miss her, and most recently when Shemar Moore left the show I really wondered what would happen.

But now.  THOMAS GIBSON HAS BEEN FIRED!!  HOTCH!  The boss, the unsmiling agent who lost his wife to a sick serial killer, who has a little boy at home and is remarkably loyal to his team.

Unfortunately the anger management classes Thomas Gibson was required to take a couple years ago after a physical altercation on-set didn't take, and after kicking (kicking???) a writer recently, he was suspended and now fired.  Not gonna lie, there's a part of me that wants that writer to suck it up and for the people involved to move past it. Obviously that's me being selfish.

Couldn't he have controlled his temper for us? For the people who watch and really love the show? I'm kinda devastated by this.  Not because Thomas Gibson is leaving the show.  But because of what his leaving may do to the show.  They say everyone is expendable.  Apparently Thomas Gibson didn't think so.  Now he knows so.  He's the selfish one.

Sigh-h-h.  Sad.