
Sunday, August 20, 2017

The World is on Fire .. But Life Goes On

SO many things happening out there, SO many things I would love to write about, lament, grieve, rage about.  But today I will refrain. Because it's true, while the rest of the world is crazy, most of us are still going about our everyday lives, including me.

My most recent foster is a beautiful tortie named Twix.  I call her Weezy as if she were one of the dwarfs but really it's because she's got a chronic condition that causes her to sniff and snuffle and generally have trouble breathing through her nose. Cats do not breathe through their mouths unless they absolutely have to so she's forever wheezing and struggling to pull air in through her snotty nose.

Tried using a nebulizer but it didn't help much so she is going back to the vet for an evaluation to see if there is any kind of treatment or maintenance for a cat with a chronic breathing condition.  She's going to be a tough one to get adopted out but there are people out there who want to adopt 'handi-cats' so it will happen.  It will help that she's SO beautiful!

Yes, I started my new job on April 1st, and it's going well.  The people I work with are great and the company is awesome.

But enough.  The most important thing that has happened lately - happened at the end of July.  A brand new sweet, perfect, little life came into the world in the form of my first grandchild.  I'm a GRANDMA!!

My daughter and her husband (Dani & Dan) allowed me (and Dan's Mom) to be there and it was incredibly special.  She came into the world kicking and screaming exactly the way she was supposed to, mostly looked confused and a bit mad about being in a whole new world.  I'm going to post a few pictures but won't be posting her name or details, respecting her parents wishes to not have too much information out there on social media about her.

She's a tiny little thing and after a few weeks still doesn't weigh what either of my kids did when they were born!  Nothing wrong, she's just petite.  D & D bought a house right before the baby was born, and it's less than 2 miles from my house.  You KNOW what that means, right?  Yep!  Babysitting!  When my hours work, that is.  D & D do not have set hours every week so we will see how often I am needed but I am looking forward to every minute!  I know when the time comes, Dani especially is going to have a hard time handing her to someone else to take care of.  Being a nurse she generally works 3 days a week so that's not too bad.  But she works 12 hour shifts so is always very tired after.

Dan is a great partner and jumped right in from the beginning with diapering, bathing, dressing, and comforting a fussy baby. Breast feeding is going well and baby is growing and filling in her tiny little limbs. Dani is a wonderful mom!

So all in all things are WONDERFUL!  If you are not a grandparent I highly recommend it.  I know not everyone chooses to have kids, some do not have the opportunity. But if it happens in your life - you will see what I mean.  It's the best thing I can wish on anybody!

So with all the CRAP going on out in the world, I hope you have your own little slice of heaven to retreat to.  These days - you really need it.