
Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Jane, you ignorant slut! (if you don't get the reference you're too young!)

Here I am again, in a weird medical place. Hypothyroid forever, all of a sudden my blood work indicates hyperthyroid. I mean .. it happens, but how often, and why? Dr. Google isn't a good idea, so for now I have been removed from my thyroid meds and am getting more blood work done in a few weeks. If the
results still indicate hyperthyroid - it will be time for a thyroid scan to see if the nodule I have is 'hot', meaning, producing hormones. 

Also in the dugout is anemia. PPPFFFTTTT!! I was a bit anemic at my last 6 month checkup but the doc gave me iron to take and I didn't think much of it. Obviously, since I stopped taking the pills pretty quickly. Now I am more anemic than before. This time the doc is worried and has ordered an upper GI, and I may have a colonoscopy at the same time because of my history of colon cancer (with a small C), we will see what the GI guy says tomorrow when I go for a quick consultation appointment. 

My doc is apparently worried that I have some bleeding going on somewhere, or something worse since he added a CEA to the blood work he ordered to check my thyroid. Sigh-h-h ..

Here's the thing - I FEEL good! Exercise, losing some weight, having a bit of energy, I've felt like I've been getting the physical part of my life together lately. 


Where's Roseanne Roseannadanna when you need her! "As my good friend Richard Fader always said

Yep, Jane is an ignorant slut - and I am probably 100% fine! Let's hope, anyway. I'm voting for a problem with absorbing iron. Not sure what they do for that, hopefully just supplements. Sounds like the best result for the anemia. The thyroid? Who knows!?!?!

Saturday, August 7, 2021

Pity Party

I spent yesterday and today working my way through a pint of chocolate, chocolate chip Haagen-Daz. When I was pregnant with my first child I frequently ate a pint a day which equaled huge weight gain with that pregnancy. I have gotten away from it now, and when I do eat it - it takes me 4 to 5 days to get through a pint. I probably do it about 4 times a year now.

Friday was my favorite boss's last day. We are working remotely and there isn't a really good way for a fabulous sendoff for someone when you can't be with them in person, not to mention the fact that she lives in Wisconsin and I am in Illinois. Still. I wanted to be able to do something.

Feeling sorry for myself is not something I like to indulge in (unless it is about discontinued favorite foods - cough) and even if I do - I generally don't drown myself in high dollar, high fat content ice cream. But when I do - it's always chocolate, chocolate chip Haagen-Daz. 

My constitution has changed since I was young and pregnant, though. Because now when I eat a pint of ice cream over the course of 2 days - it goes right through me and I actually lose a few pounds. 

Win, win, if you ask me. I get to have a pity party AND lose weight! 

Still, I'm going to miss you Heidi. I hope your new job brings you no reasons to binge on ice cream and many new and lovely coworkers! 

Wednesday, August 4, 2021


I know I have talked about this before, but why do things I like get discontinued? 

One of  my daily indulgences that has been consistent for at least 20 years and maybe more, (I am unwilling to do the math), is eating a bagel with cream cheese every morning. Whatever happens during the day, wherever I go, whatever I do, my day won't start right if I don't have my bagel and my tea. And it's not just any bagel, it's a Lender's Onion bagel with 1/3 less fat Philadelphia Brand cream cheese. 

I'm very specific, aren't I?

My son does most of the grocery shopping at my house (can't beat it) but he called me from the store one day saying "It's not good news, Mom." Holy cow I thought he'd run over a cat or something! But no, the bagels I eat were on clearance. He asked how many packages I wanted. OMG! Not again! Why does this happen to me??

I don't have a big freezer so I had him pick up (he paid for them) 5 bags. 

And then they were gone.

Apparently the company was sold, and when I contacted the new company they said the bagels are still being made but they couldn't tell me the distribution. 👀 Um .. what?? They also said that during the pandemic the demand for bagels has risen and it has been hard to keep up with the demand.

Pandemic bagel eaters? Who knew? (guessing it's not really a thing)

It sort of felt like I was being placated, so it just may be they are gone forever. We will see. In the meantime, my son is buying different types of onion bagels for me to try and so far they have all had one thing in common - they don't taste much like onion. 

Blargh. Somewhere I think my onion bagels are dancing with my Stouffer's Noodles Romanoff, laughing at my discomfort.