Tuesday, December 28, 2021
When your daughter is a hospice nurse 👀
Monday, December 27, 2021
Best gift of all
Thursday, December 23, 2021
Sneaks up on me every year!
I LOVE Christmas! But for some reason I’m still preparing up until the last possible minute and this year is no different. But I did manage to steal a minute (hour) to make this lil video. Enjoy!
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Have yourself a Merry little Christmas now! 💗💚💗🙏
Friday, December 17, 2021
Every. Damn. Day.
Thursday, December 16, 2021
I left the house and didn't die.
You know what I didn't see? Masks.
Tuesday, December 14, 2021
Where the heck is Art Linkletter??
Context: my daughter texted me about her daughter, and a back and forth they had. More context: the grandpa she is talking about? My ex-husband. (I'm not snickering at all!)
Saturday, December 11, 2021
In real life ..
Dear Steve,
Some women on Facebook are freaking out because they heard you have a girlfriend. While I am a huge fan and can appreciate a sexy man whose voice could sing the pants off most women, I am not freaking out.
I am glad you have found someone since you and I cannot be a thing. There are some fundamental things that make that impossible. I mean - you like spicy food, I do not. You can sing (so I’ve heard) and dance, and I can do neither. You’re a guy who is a bit hyper and wants to go, go, go, and I am more of a homebody. You are of a certain age, and I am 10 years younger, which still makes me too old for you. When I win the lottery and do some nips and tucks – I will still be 10 years younger than you, and while I am close enough in age to understand things like – you wanting to show me your etchings, there are other things I could not bring to the table at this point. I mean, I wouldn’t be doing any jogging or beach volleyball, things like that. But maybe the biggest deal breaker, Steve – you are a morning person and I am, most decidedly, not.
So, there you go, we can’t be a thing. I wasn’t worried about you finding someone you could ‘be a thing’ with but since hearing you have a girlfriend I don’t feel like I need to let you down easily.
Thank you for all the music, Steve. Past, present and future! I am grateful you have come back to sing for us again.
Love & Respect,
Friday, December 10, 2021
I just love her 💖
house with you.
Me: You are?
4 yr old: Yes! Will you come get me to bring me to your house?
Me: Well if you are a full grown up person you will be able to drive yourself to my house.
4 yr old: But I don't know how to get there!!
She's got a valid point.
Thursday, December 9, 2021
Embracing aging. Or not.
Do I embrace aging? Oh HELL NO .. and .. YES! I mean - I am glad to be here to age and not taking a dirt nap some place. But since Covid and working from home began, I don't look in the mirror as often or as closely as I used to because I don't put makeup on all the time. So when I do - sometimes it's a little shocking.
Posting pictures of myself has never been a thing. If you search this blog going back years - you will find very few photos of me. Never liked selfies and certainly didn't post them here if I did take them. Generally speaking any selfies I do take usually include my granddaughter. Making memories, even though the pics themselves make me cringe a bit. But she doesn't care if I have lines on my face or an uneven skin tone. She loves me just the way I am.However, by the time my mom was my age (she is gone now so I can post this) she had 2 facelifts, a nose job, and an implant put in her chin. My mom was fairly vain, and had married a man who was 12 years her junior. No doubt that factored into it. But also? We just don't have nice, elastic skin. So I almost feel like she was just trying to even the score with the first facelift, so she was attempting to look like what her contemporaries did. She hated her nose so had that changed, and had a prominent overbite - hence the implant in her chin to offset the overbite. The second facelift was keeping young for her husband. And her own vanity.
Just my opinion, of course.
Would I do all that? No. My nose is my nose and braces took care of my overbite. But would I get one facelift - take care of the eyes and neck as well? You betcha. Because of weight gain and loss over the years my skin is much looser than I would like. It shows on my face.
I know, fellas. This is making you want to line up for a date again ..
So I am trying to accept my face, as is. In this pic - I am still tired, still have circles under my eyes and a crooked smile. But I do have makeup on and oh my gosh - EYEBROWS!
People just don't understand how important eyebrows are. Just sayin'.
Monday, December 6, 2021
If I'm online (this time of year) - I'm probably shopping.
Not my thing.
So as soon as online shopping started to become a thing - I was on it. My porch would be piled high with boxes many days of the Christmas season and I loved it! But it does take more time than people who don't do it, think. I will search for a specific thing for as long as it takes. It's rare I don't find what I am looking for.
Didn't get my tree up until yesterday - a week later than I meant to, and am still finishing up my gift shopping.
Almost done, though!
The cats are pleased because they've never met a Christmas tree they don't want to sleep under. One cat I had who has since passed away, Jake, she used to climb the tree every year. At least once. I miss her, she was a sweet kitty, but I don't miss that!
Hmm .. seeing the picture it looks like I need to fill in some spots with lights. And yes, I need to fill the holes in the wall from where I used to have cat shelves, but the tree. is. up! I feel accomplished!