
Friday, November 11, 2022


I don't mean to always be complaining but c'mon! Apparently I am not allowed to have any brand loyalty because if I do, whatever it is .. will go away!

The first thing I loved that went away was Stouffer's Noodles Romanoff. I loved that stuff. Not health concious, but really yummy. The next thing was Lender's Onion Bagels. I have eaten those almost every day for well over 20 years. Company was sold and while I can still see the bagels online, I cannot buy them and they are not in grocery stores near me.

There have been other things over the years and it's amazing how consistently this happens to me. My daughter says it's because I DO have brand loyalty and am unwilling to try different brands once I find one I like. Well - DUH! 

So my daughter gave her daughter some cottage cheese a couple weeks ago. My granddaughter didn't like it and told her mom "I only like Grandmas cottage cheese." Whoops. My daughter texted me to ask what the brand was and I told her it was Deans small curd, lowfat. Google told her - it was gone. 

Cottage cheese? REALLY???

And now - it's my makeup remover wipes. I know. And it is the iconic brand of Ponds! Yes, you can buy Ponds cold cream and other products. But the towelettes for makeup removal are gone. I have been trying others but most bother my eyes and since I am removing EYE MAKEUP with them, it's not like I can avoid my eyes. Sigh-h-h...

I've been trying to think of other things that have gone away over the years, I know there was only 1 hairball treat my cat Abby would eat. Those were discontinued. Apparently Abby has brand loyalty too. There was a sweet and sour salad dressing I loved that I used to eat with cucumbers and I have been searching in vain for a replacement for quite a while. 

Oh you KNOW there are more.

I camnot be the only person who used these products, who loved these products, who misses them now that they are gone! 

I'm just the only dumba$$ who bothers to spend the time lamenting about it online. ARGH.