
Monday, August 6, 2007

Good news!

My electricity is fixed, more about that later. :)

Right now I just wanted to say - I've got a themed post in TopBlogMag - so please click on over and take a look! It's my first time so please be gentle.

And ... I'm not sure why that guy is wearing a bra!

Okay. I have a picture of the culprit here. The round fuses were the ones I was aware of. The long ones that look a bit like a shotgun shell - I didn't know existed at all, much less in my fuse box!

Apparently the bigger fuses are some kind of main fuses - there are only 2 of them and 1 controls the front of the house and one controls the back. So why all the other individual fuses then? Seems redundant to me! Regardless of my opinion though, the big 60 amp fuses DO exist and now I have backups and know how to check and load them.

Wish I had known that last night, I wouldn't have spent the night tossing and turning and gasping like a guppy - thinking I couldn't breathe! I sleep with a ceiling fan above me every night, winter, summer, doesn't matter. I like the air moving and I like the noise, it's soothing. Not having air conditioning is something I could have dealt with if I just could have had my ceiling fan!

Not having the TV to keep my mind off not having the ceiling fan which would have kept my mind off not having AC was the last straw. I admit it, I am pathetically, totally spoiled and dependant on all the conveniences of American life. I am the poor woman's Paris Hilton. Now that's sad.

To give credit where credit is due - it was the best boyfriend ever who came and showed me the hidden fuses and saved my pampered butt! What a guy!!!


  1. That was very well written. You could feel the love you have for your son in every word you said about him.

    One of Hubby's sisters was recently diagnosed with autistic tendencies and another one of his sisters was diagnosed with Aspburger's Autism ladt fall. It was the hardest decision just to have them tested, but the diagnosis was even harder.

    What a beautiful mother you are.


  2. Oh, BetteJo! What a truly heart-warming story! Simply beautiful!!!

    I teach kids who are at various levels on the Autism spectrum. What wonderful gifts they are. You truly are blessed, as I'm sure you know ;) And you share your story with such grace and beauty.

    I only wish that others could see the beauty children like your son radiate. While I'm sure you've had your share of challenges, the rewards are immense, as well, no?

    I really am enjoying your blog :) And, again, the way you wrote about your son... just wonderful!!!

    Oh! And cool about the fuses... whouldda thunk???? ha

    :: toasting you for another cool, a/c & ceiling fan - filled night ::


  3. Tonia - Thanks very much! My son is definitely worth any extra effort - he was never diagnosed as truly autistic - just with tendencies, but there are challenges with that, especially when he was little! He's a great kid!

  4. useless rambler - oooh you teach special kids - oh great is that?! As far as I was concerned when Andy was diagnosed - like I said - I cried twice and then moved on. You deal with what you have. He really has surpassed all my expectations - it's that early intervention which I'm sure you know.

    Last night was great with my fan, my tv and AC! Ah-h-h!!

  5. bette jo,

    It sounded like you met Andy's challenges head on and that he has flourished under your tutelage. I agree a well written piece and happy that your son is doing well. By the way, my youngest son is an Andy too.
