
Tuesday, August 14, 2007


I am one of those people who loves words. I have no control over how I use them myself apparently, but I admire how others do. I have been known to compliment someone on a sentence, a perfect turn of phrase, something that says something I know I could never say. At least not in the same way.

People have told me since I was a kid that I should do something with my writing but what I could not explain to them was that I am not a writer. I talk. I give good letter. That's my favorite way of saying it. I am long winded and take 7 paragraphs to say something most people can say in 7 sentences. My grammar is bad and when my daughter the English major tries to tell me something about sentence structure or any of the "rules", I have no clue. But oh, I can appreciate good writing. That does not necessarily mean that what I consider good writing is all grammatically correct. :)

I have my favorite blogs, I'm sure we all do. Some I read because they are so clever and funny I am almost always guaranteed a laugh out loud moment every time I read them. Some I read because they are so doggone relate-able that I feel like the authors are reading my mind! There are some that I read because I simply want that person's life, so I stalk them and see what I can do to that end. And then there are some that just make me weep.

The blogs that make me weep are not necessarily what you would think, not always emotional or tear jerkers or full of drama. Some are just written so beautifully that I will literally be brought to tears by reading the description of a wonderful afternoon, a day with the kids or a story about the joy of a sweet relationship. There is one who can do that on a regular basis, and that is Amanda from the wink and tumble dry. Oh how she writes. And oh how she lets you in.

Tonight I stumbled upon a new blog, for me, anyway. Cry it out: Adventures of a stay-at-home dad. For some reason the post from today "A song of the city" touched me and brought tears to my eyes. I don't know, maybe another day the author, Mike, will make me laugh or something totally different but today, he touched my heart.

It's a good read, truly.


  1. Thanks for sharing some of your favorite reads - off to check 'em out!

  2. Those were great reads!

    I'm glad that I gave you a smile this morning with my sarcasm ;}

    Hope you're having a great day as I am sure you are checking in throughout the day!


  3. I know what you mean! I love the way TrueMirage writes about her time in Greece...

    And thank you – really – for sharing Cry It Out. I've found a new favourite.

  4. You are keeping me in company I definitely don't deserve -- Amanda is amazing. Still, it feels pretty good, and I'll take it. Thanks!

    Mike at Cry It Out

  5. liz - I've learned to share at this ripe old age! Enjoy!

    Tonia - Yes, you made me laugh first thing in the morning!

    Helen - Ooooh - thanks for the tip! I will definitely check it out!

    Mike - You are definitely in good company, but I wouldn't compare the 2 of you. Apples and oranges I think. You pick which one you are! :)

  6. I will send you an update email from this morning, but I am off to see a doctor now...I am going to use a topical tea tree oil though which is a naturall antibiotic that can be used in conjunction with an oral medication.

    I just feel so good without all of the chemicals in me. ~~Tonia~~

  7. Oh goodie, more reads to add to my list!

    I'm with you, I'd love to be a better writer, but for now I'll have to stick to murdering sentance structure and grammer!

  8. day dreamer - oh c'mon - the missing magnum was a perfect post!! lol!!

  9. Thanks for all the blog suggestions. I will have to check them out. I do like how you write and it inspires me to become a better writer myself.

  10. I hope you know how much it means to me to see your name on nearly every post. You visit and comment, but more than that, you participate. I am so grateful for this circle of friends woven first along the periphery of my blogs, and who now sit, deep inside, a part of our story.
