
Friday, September 28, 2007

This is what happens when the jack-ass who feeds 'em doesn't show up to work one day!




  1. Is that squirrell trying to eat his way in to help himself? Egads BetteJo, I didnt realize theyd go that far - maybe because they are stuck in 'stock up for winter' mode?

  2. LOL! I love squirrels. And how come it's taken me so long to find you? I'm a crazy cat lady who is also a beader! I found you through Mahala. I'm severly jealous you live in/near Chicago, the bead shops must be numerous...

  3. My dad feeds a blue jay and if he doesn't come out, it taps on the window.

  4. Lavender - he was seriously looking for the guy who feeds him. Whenever anyone else approached the door or got too close - he ran away! Very cute fella - but he really oughta be feeding himself, not coming to the office door! Not his fault though, if people feed them - they always come back.

    Inanna - squirrels rip into my garbage when I put it out - so we practically have to wait for the garbage truck to pull down the street before we put it out! Be nice if our town let us use garbage CANS!!!
    Glad you found me - I will definitely have to check you out!

    Suebob - Bluejays are SO pretty - but my Grandma always hated them because they chased the smaller birds away from the feeder. Oh well - they're still beautiful birds and apparently can figure out where their bread is buttered!

  5. That squirrel is clearly saying, "Er, excuse me? Has somebody FORGOTTEN something?"

  6. I had to show that picture to my husband - ROFL!

    Can you tell me how to get the facebook sucks button?

  7. I have squirrels just like that running around in my yard, but they have to be careful as my cats are always on the prowl.

  8. Helen - you speak squirrel!!!

    Nutmeg - I left a comment at your place with the code for the button. I love it!

    Palette - yeah - I have cats obviously, but they are all trapped behind the glass!

  9. Does it make me a total dork that I adore photos like this? You made me laugh out loud.
