
Monday, October 1, 2007

I was cleaning the bathroom. And I forgot.


Maybe it was because I don’t clean often enough so it didn’t occur to me that I had been doing it.

Maybe it was because another cleaning project distracted me.

Maybe it was because a TV show I wanted to see came on.

Or just maybe it was because I sat down in front of my computer.

Regardless. I was cleaning the bathroom. I had cleaned the sink and the tub and had sprayed the toilet. For some reason still unknown to me, I left the room to, what? Do something else apparently! I did a little laundry, a few dishes, and then sat down in front of my computer with the TV on as well. An hour later I realized the bathroom light was on and no one was in there. There were cleaning supplies on the sink and paper towels on the floor, so when I walked in there I was able to deduce what I had been doing. And at that point, I remembered I had been doing it!

But I still don’t know what pulled me away and why I forgot I was doing it at all.

*scratches head*

Does this kind of thing happen to anyone else????



  1. That kind of thing happens to me pretty much everyday. I am becoming used t-

    Wait a minute, what was I doing again?

  2. This is why I love blogs. They're proof that I'm not alone in my weird, forgetful ways.


  3. You should have seen me the day I forgot what that thing was called - and stood there saying - I'm not moving until I remember. tick tock tick tock ...
    it was the freakin' coffee table!! I could not for the life of me remember what the name of it was!

  4. Oy, and since I just read Mama Zen's post about multitasking, I should tell you my favorite forgetful habit. (It's oddly appropriate, these two bathroom posts.)

    I often find that I sit down to pee, rummage through the basket of magazines just for kicks, and half an hour later realize I forgot to actually pee.

    My younger brother, when he was much younger, was often found face down and fast asleep on the bath mat.

  5. Bathroom stories! Ha! I have been known to bring my laptop - take the top off the garbage can - yada yada yada. :)

  6. that sounded a little weird - I sit the laptop down on the garbage can after I remove the top. giggle.

  7. AHA! See! Its NOT just me either! A related problem I have is, start one job - go somewhere to put something away and see a job in that room - start doing that job and need something from another room to finish it - get into that room and theres something that needs to go back to the room that I started in, get there and repeat the whole mess over again!!!

  8. It only happens to us old folks lol.

  9. Crap. I'm only 26 and it happens to me all the time. Maybe I should be worried.

  10. That's me all over. I have a magnet on my fridge that says "I know I came into this room for a reason". I wish I could blame aging, but I've been like this all my life!

    On the upside: your bathroom is clean! Go you!!

  11. That kind of thing happens to me all the time bettejo. lol

  12. I am so glad to have company here!

  13. Every.Day.

    Several times a day.
