
Wednesday, October 3, 2007

My intentions

I have been having trouble getting motivated to get back into my bead room, and I have sold a few pieces lately in spite of myself. I haven't been trying. I think one of my problems is that my beads have so over-taken that room, along with my daughter piling some of her stuff in there, that the room itself is not appealing to me to go into. Must get that room in hand and hopefully I will pick up those stones and bits of glass and wire and get to work again. Because I really do want to.

There is something else I really want to do. Some time ago I decided to take up quilting. I had no idea what I was doing but I bought fabric and a pattern and I commenced quilting. Sort of. I made a quilt for my former boyfriend and I wish I had photographed it because it turned out really well. At least I think it did - it was my very first quilt and I gave it as a gift. Didn't realize what an ambitious undertaking it would be when I formulated that plan!

After I made that one, I started hoarding fabric. I do that. I hoarded fabric, squares already cut, fat quarters, fabric by the yard if it was a good deal. I even cut out an entire queen sized quilt, sewed some of the pieced blocks together, and when I laid it out to see how it would look as a finished quilt - I hated it. So I have those 12 inch blocks all neatly piled waiting to be sewn together in an unappealing color scheme. Expensive fabric too. Sigh-h. I want to finish it. Even if ends up being the quilt on a closet shelf you pull down when you need that extra blanket, I want to finish it. I have too many unfinished things around here.

But first - I want to finish this one. This quilt is a scrap quilt, made from every color and pattern, even some old shirts and pajamas have contributed fabric. Some of the rows are uneven and my stitches aren't straight. I have not bound the edges and this poor quilt has resided on an ironing board in my bedroom for the better part of 2 years! The cats love it. Argh-h-h.

This quilt was intended to be the one you see folded up on the end of the couch in front of the TV, the one that could go onto the floor with a child rolled up in it. It was supposed to be that 'all things' quilt that was old fashioned and quaint and maybe even a bit ugly but would have fond memories attached.

So in order to keep myself honest and give myself a push - I intend to finish this quilt. By Christmas. That's a generous amount of time considering what is left to be done on it. I'm stating it here so that I will actually do it - and can come back and post some pictures of it when it's complete.

I'm really hoping that a person or 2 will remember this abandoned quilt and ask me about it sometimes. As in "so, how's that quilt coming?" I need support here. Or a swift kick in the behind, but I'll start by asking for support. Make me do this!



  1. I went to an art fair this weekend and thought of you..There was so much bead work there...maybe an art show will re motivate you?

    Your quilt looks very nice....kudos to you for your patience....

  2. Good luck with the quilting. I have done some too and really enjoyed making table runners. You will have a great sense of accomplishment when you finished this quilt and you'll have a nice keepsake for all your memories.

  3. Do you use a sewing machine? Or hand sew?

    I can't believe I'm about to admit this, but I've always wanted to make a quilt. At least once.

  4. This quilt is remedial in it's simplicity. It is machine sewn although I would like to hand quilt something one day. It's probably the easiest type of quilt anyone could make and when I started it I did it from the perspective of a beginning quilter who was going to make a first quilt where all the mistakes would be made. Even though I had already made another one. :)
    It's not a great quilt - but I need to finish some of the things I've started around here!

  5. Oh and Dixie - I never tried any sewing or beading or anything of the sort until after 40, and before that I would have told you I would never have an interest.
    Might be something you try when the little ones are not so little anymore.

  6. I know what you mean about finishing projects - I have alot of 'work in progress' and it can be overwhelming sometimes!
    Still, your quilt is much further along than mine is - mines still just ideas!! LOL

  7. Quilting is a fantastic craft ... we used to sell them in the gallery I work in, but it's hard to find good ones these days.

    Keep at it and I will hook you up with a few sales /wink
