
Saturday, November 17, 2007

Stuff to do, people to see

Quick post this evening! My daughter is home from school so we had a Thai food feast for dinner, one of her favorites. She and my son are making plans to go Christmas shopping tomorrow, but it sounds like they are leaning more heavily toward going to the Field Museum to see the Darwin Exhibit. They are
so much more intellectually curious than I am.

I'll be heading back into the bead room after I post this, and I wanted to put at least one picture up of some bracelets I have made. I'm loving them, I hope you do too! My picture definitely isn't the best, but click to enlarge and see more detail. :)

Before I run off to create - I want to say thank you to
Holly over at The Spiritual Dog Blog who has decided that I am fabulous!! Woo hoo! I always wanted to be fabulous and I think Holly is fabulous too. :)

I would like to head south to pass on this award. I'd like to tell Dixie at Deep Fried-Southern Style how fabulous she is - but I tell you what - she already knows! She looks marvelous in green hair and she makes me laugh out loud. The next southern gal is Honeysuckle Rose who writes at Not Much Southern Comfort. Her posts frequently make me think but more often make me laugh. And that second bracelet from the top up there? That's named "Southern Comfort" after her because she suggested I make a bracelet with blues and browns. I think both of you women are fabulous!


  1. Awwww, thanks Bettejo! That makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside and I sure needed that!

    I hope that bracelet (and all the other ones of course!) sells, it's a beauty!

  2. Your bracelets are beautiful...I modeled the bracelet you made for me for this Sunday's weigh in!

  3. Congratulations Bettejo! A well deserved award.

    The new jewellery is really lovely. Beautiful colours!

  4. I love the bottom one. It makes me very happy...

  5. Love the bracelets, they are gorgeous! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your daughter and son. Mine is back from school too and I am enjoying it!

  6. Thank you!! I'm honored! And I'm so glad that I make you laugh out loud! I looooove to make people laugh!!

  7. I LOVE your bracelets! They're beautiful. :)

    Thanks for the visit to my blog...hopefully justice will come for Megan soon.
