
Monday, December 24, 2007

Wasn't expecting this

I was not expecting to post this today, I was going to wait until Wednesday to post a Hero, but Ray of Chicago Ray posted the Hero along with a video that made me cry. It's a very moving tribute to all the veterans I hope we always remember, and what one man started as a way to give thanks to those who have served and paid the ultimate price. Even if you don't feel like reading about it - watch the video. You can't help but feel something.

This week's hero was suggested by Cindy & Kathi

Each year, around this time, since 1992, the Arlington National Cemetery has something happen to it. It gets covered in vibrant green Christmas wreaths. The wreaths are donated by a man named Merrill Worcester who is the owner of the Worcester Wreath Co. in Maine. From the Worcester Wreath Co.'s website:

Each year Worcester Wreath donates Maine wreaths to adorn the headstones of those who serve and those who sacrificed to preserve our freedoms. In 2007, over 10,000 wreaths are destined for the annual wreath-laying ceremonies at Arlington. In addition, 2,500 wreaths will be sent to Togus National Cemetery in Augusta, Maine. Worcester Wreath also donates ceremonial wreaths that will be used as part of the Wreaths Across America events at over 230 State and National veterans cemeteries all across the Country.

Sometimes a hero is one who sacrifices everything in their life to help others. And sometimes a hero is one who sacrifices nothing more than their time.
We Should Not Only Mourn These Men And Women Who Died, We Should Also Thank God That Such People Lived


  1. This is really nice. My father in law is buried at Arlington. I'm going to go tell my husband about this right now.

  2. A beautiful gesture...and always so very sad.

  3. Thanks for the mention here Bette belatedly. Sorry that I took so long to acknowledge . Hope you had a wonderful Christmas and best wishes for the upcoming new year to you and yours :>)
