
Thursday, January 17, 2008

I am SO ready for this!

For Christmas this year, one of the gifts from my BF was to help me make my bead room into a real craft room. Putting up shelving, getting the proper containers for supplies, and moving everything around so it all makes sense is what I am hoping for.

Playing musical furniture the other night started the process. A previous tenant left the desk we moved into the bead room - in the house. It is ugly, pink, heavy and it is huge. It had to be taken apart to be moved and even the pieces weighed a ton. Put back together in the bead room it takes up a third of the room. Did I mention it is huge? Of course the bead room is fairly small, maybe that’s part of it.

Still, I am so excited about it, I cannot tell you. I am not the most organized person in the world, but I don’t like the chaos of disorganization around me. It makes me cranky. So to take this room that started out as a small bedroom with a tiny table in it and accumulate the amount of beading supplies I have in it, it got to the point where I did not even want to go in there.

Now, I am going to have a room where I can keep my beads and tools, my fabric and sewing machine, my craft books and magazines. Funny, because I never understood why anyone would want a craft room of any kind. I didn’t do anything “crafty” until I reached 40. Then it was as if someone turned on a switch and inside my head I heard; “what are you going to do when you’re old and have no hobbies??” Okay, that isn’t exactly what I heard, but all of a sudden the urge was there. And now the room is too.

I am looking forward to having designated areas for my mailing supplies, my jewelry boxes and my mannequin head, as well as finished unsold jewelry. Of course I don’t *cough cough* have much of that.

Most of all I am looking forward to having a bead room that is a pleasure to walk into because I am not stepping over boxes and bags and where the kleptomaniac cat (that would be Norah) won’t have access to my beads.

I am hoping this change will make me a calmer and more productive beader! Or maybe I should say – make me a beader again – because I haven’t been doing much. For me, organization will breed creativity! Go me!


  1. You're making me jealous! I would love to have a craft room of my own. Congratulations on your new space and may you create tons!

  2. That sounds wonderful! I'm going to do some remodeling and hope to have a special room like you to work on my things too. Can't wait to see your creations!

  3. I am also completely jealous reading this. Oh, so fun to have a whole room!

  4. you will have to take pictures...

  5. Organization is the key, isn't it? I've been trying to get scrapping for years, now, and just can't do it. It takes me longer to get my supplies out and set up than I actually get to scrap. So, consequently, I just don't try anymore. Two pages. That's all I've done.

    I can't wait to get in a bigger house. I've told hubby that's my number one selfish request... I want a craft room, too!!!!

    Have fun!! and post pics :)
