
Sunday, February 24, 2008

...and the award goes to....

I read a lot of blogs. LOTS. One that always makes me smile and more often than not makes me laugh as well is Stimeyland. Getting very behind on my blog reading lately, I missed it that Jean had given me an award, until she told me. How bad is that? I mean, I had over 200 blog posts staring at me this weekend, that’s how behind I was. Slowly, I am catching up.

But back to the award. It’s the True Blue award and I am thrilled! I find there is very little loyalty these days in places where there used to be such as the workplace or the neighborhood. But holy cow is there loyalty in the blogosphere! Readers are so genuine and supportive I am constantly amazed and glad to know there are a lot of good and kind people out there. If you start to lose
faith in things – your readers will help you find it again. If you are feeling low they will prop you up. And if you need support - or want to share your joy – your readers are right there and willing to laugh or cry with you.

So I appreciate what this award stands for, thank you Stimey! Very much.

I’m not sure if this award came with rules but I am making up my own anyway. I want to give this award to those of you who continually come back and read my blog, who comment and make me smile. You are all so appreciated and have made me feel so welcomed when a year ago I didn’t really even know what a blog was!

I’ve had good days and bad and silly and stupid and you have been there to share it with me, so all of you who keep coming back should take the True Blue badge and display it proudly because – YOU ARE! True Blue, that is. And I thank you.


  1. And you SO deserve this award for your loyalty and your support ... and for all the blogs you read and comment on .... well done !
    I'm amazed that you re always unfailingly there .... through thick and thin....


  2. You want to hear something funny about that award? I had only seen it in smaller form and had convinced myself that it was a weird and sort of angry looking sea lion. The dolphin makes more sense. Sort of. Regardless, it's an excellent award. Enjoy it!

  3. I agree BetteJo I always love hearing from you and am amazed when I know you have so many that you read - I feel honoured to have got to know you in our bloggy world :)

  4. S - I love reading your blog! You write so well and channel that dog perfectly! And - I don't know anyone else who does cat calls!

    Stimey - Angry sea lion?? That IS funny! I actually did a search to see if I could find a bigger badge for posting - I didn't really realize it was a dolphin either!

    Jo - I love coming by to see what you've created now, I adore your jewelry! And you throw some of yourself and your family in there too. I hope you take that badge and put it on your blog, pass it on if you want - because you deserve it. Shelagh - you too! Stimey - you always come back too - but can I give it back to you? :)

  5. Congrats on your award. You so deserve it what with ALL the blogs you manage to keep tabs on and comment too. I'm glad you're over your tiredness!

  6. Pearl - please take the award back to your blog with you! You are always so nice and you always come back! :)

  7. Really? That's really sweet of you! I am flattered. Thanks.

  8. major congrats to you! you are definitely a loyal reader, so you deserve that award. :)
