
Sunday, March 2, 2008

I got 'em!!!

When I moved into this house there was a big oak tree in the front yard - okay maybe it's a maple - anyway - there was an old-fashioned wooden birdhouse nailed to the front of it. It didn't look like it had gotten any use in a long time but then, I'm not sure how good birds are with maintenance.

One day I came home from work and the birdhouse lay shattered at the base of the tree and being old like I am, my first thought was - "damn teenagers!" I figured some kids had come by and who knows - challenged each other to see if they could jump high enough to touch the birdhouse, and knocked it down in the process. Or just maybe they did it on purpose. I'm
suspicious like that.

My BF nailed it back up for me, more because I wanted whoever knocked it down to see it up again - it was a small act of defiance against those who would vandalize someone else's property. After putting it back up my BF noted that the hole in the front seemed larger than it should be and looked like something had been chewing on it. Okay, that was a little weird, but I forgot about it.

I have had the devil of a time capturing the culprit, but I finally got him on film! I had to take it from a distance because he never hangs around when he sees me coming. The sneak!

~Click picture for a larger view~

Imagine his surprise the day he climbed into that bird house and had it shatter around him! I wish I could have seen him scrambling away from the broken wood on the ground where he ended up! Since then he uses the birdhouse every day as far as I can tell. I see his little face peering out when I leave in the morning and again when I drive up in the evening. He was probably the driest squirrel around during our last snowstorm!


  1. I love it! I know some people hate squirrels, but I like them a whole lot. I'm just as happy to see them eating my bird seeds as I am to see birds.

  2. I like squirrels - but we aren't allowed to use garbage cans - just plastic bags (that's another story) and the squirrels just tear them up! I think they even scare the raccoons away! This guy is smart though. :)

  3. Squirrels have such an attitude! We just feed those rascals in our backyard now along with the birds. Although my DH once installed a squirrel baffle (looks like an upside down wok) - the squirrel slid right off it the first time. A good job we don't understand squirrel swear words but the chattering sounded right angry! LOL. He quickly learnt to get at the feeder by taking a sideways leap from another small tree.

  4. Hee...during Christmas my mom had some fake fronds and garlands over her door...she found a squirrel in there...trying to hide his stash!

  5. I'm not sure the bird feeder has been built that will stop a squirrel, but people have been trying to invent things!

    I didn't know squirrels went in so many places. I thought they - you know - lived in trees. But apparently they can get their food from anywhere, hide it anywhere, and sleep anywhere they want!

  6. Great story and what a picture he looks so cute , or maybe she ..... well worth the bigger picture . Can you also post the video ? Did you say you got it on video ? Would be great to see ? I love squirrels , we dont get them here though in the south of England yes .

  7. Mommy we should make him a bigger house. He looks all squished in there =(

    And when I said we I meant you.

    Hahaha jk. Perhaps when I'm home for Spring break I'll take on a squirrel home building project... Whatever that entails. I mean, if he's already making a home here, might as well make it more comfortable right?

  8. S - no, no video. No squirrels? We have plenty! Feel free to take a few!

    d'ani? I don't think he needs a bigger house, the way it is nothing can get him in there - he knows it's just big enough for him and he's safe. He gets out of the wind and the rain and the snow and gets a little shelter for a while.
    Besides, how would you determine just what a squirrel needs?

  9. Okay, I must be so lame because I don't see the little critter...ANYWHERE!

  10. Lol! If you click on the 2nd picture you should be able to see the squirrels face in profile - peeking out of the birdhouse. It's a side view. :)

  11. My kids loved this post. I did too, for that matter. Noble Pig, I didn't see at first either, but then I saw the little guy peeking out. Too funny.

  12. Squirrels are rats with furry tails as far as I'm concerned! We had some get into our college apartment. It was nasty! (the apt. and the squirrels!) They also did a number on our former bird feeder. Note how I said former.

  13. Yeah, a lot of people agree with you. They get into the garbage around here, that's why I won't feed him. But I think he's cute taking up residence in the birdhouse!

  14. Oh wow those pics are fantastic - although the hail storm I got caught in yesterday was COLD!! Squirrels are cute but vermin!

  15. Vermin! How do you really feel? Lol!

  16. LOL.....I think he's cute.

    Little face peeking out like that.

    My husband feeds them. He loves to hand feed the squirrels around our house.

    Cute and all...but he feeds them MY PECANS.


  17. I DO feed them elsewhere and I really enjoy them. But at my house - I'll just watch them but not encourage them to stay. They just get into the garbage too much!

    Not your PECANS!! Better tell that man there has to be a line!
