
Monday, July 14, 2008

Which dwarf are you?

It’s probably a good thing not many men read my blog. Because I’m here to tell you that while I am looking forward to the many rewards of menopause, peri-menopause sucks!

I really should be at the tail end of this stage what with almost being 50 and all. And seeing as the last 10 years have seen me losing my mind and my regularity – why on God’s green earth would my body decide to get hot flashes NOW!?!?

Shouldn’t I have had that particular symptom a while back? When I started experiencing all the other things that would make an insanity defense a viable option at some point, I would have thought hot flashes would have come with the territory.

One of the girls I work with (who thankfully is older than I am) said to me “Oh I bet you’re just going to sail through the whole thing without any symptoms at all!” Today when I walked into the office with my top clinging to my back and beads of sweat popping out on my forehead I had to say “Well??!! Are you happy???”

Sure I’ve had a night sweat or two, but it’s been rare. Nothing to write home about, really. My sleep problems? A bit disconcerting because I’ve always been a champion sleeper but I’ll deal with it. Losing my mind, forgetting things (okay everything) – THAT one bothers me. But I forget why. Headaches – a few here and there, never too bad. Thinning hair – well – as long as I keep most of it I’m okay. Mood swings? Well yeah, there is that. And we won't even talk about coughing or sneezing! But hot flashes? I thought I was dodging that bullet.

I tell you what. There’s nothing like getting up on a cool summer morning with a nice breeze in the house, taking a shower, and then breaking out in a full sweat putting your lunch together before even leaving the house - to make you feel all girly and attractive! Yummy!


  1. I hear ya sister! Whatever you do, dont visit australia till its over - especially in summer! (Heres hoping this is a very short phase for you!)

  2. don'tcha just love being a girl : D

  3. It's not fair, us women have such a raw deal - hope you get through it soon..

  4. Ohhh so much to look froward too!!

    YOu need some Dong Quai ;)

  5. I'm staying in the air conditioning for now!

  6. Well, if you can't help it, then have some fun! Try working the word "menopause" into conversations with a mixed crowd. Men get very embarrassed with even the mildest mention!

  7. Oh you're too funny Pearl! That wouldn't be too hard to do with the way I blab about all my business anyway! Lol!

  8. I can relate. I am losing lots of hair. So far lucky on the hot flashes but I sympathize with you as I had a good friend who had the sweats too.

  9. Oh dear - I have this too look forward too :( If I am like my mother I will have a temper that would rival Mike Tyson.... oh bliss!!!

    Sending you some freezing Aussie weather to store and use when a flash happens :)

    Have a great day!

  10. Hasn't been bad this morning, maybe it was just related to the place I'm at in my cycle. Let's hope!

    Or maybe it was those cool wishes from Hev!
