
Friday, August 22, 2008

I need to go back to the doctor.

I should have known my doctor wouldn't be mad at me when he saw my bloodwork. He doesn't care enough for that! He ordered some more tests, raised the dosage on my thyroid meds and told me to lose weight. Then in response to my complaint about aging he told me how his wife told him that he's so old now none of his female patients bother to shave their legs for him anymore. I bit my tongue because I really wanted to point out that he's losing his hair too but he looked like he was having a bad day.

Actually he's a good doctor, just a smart-ass so I give it as good as I get from him. Usually. He looked tired and I was in a good mood so I gave him a break.

Did the grocery shopping after the doctor, I know I have mentioned how I hate to do it. I went in to get a few things and $260.00 later I was done. Yikes. All I wanted was the stuff to make meat loaf. I've had a taste for it lately and I figured that I needed to start cooking more so I stopped at the store.

I cook so rarely that when I do - my son always thanks me like I've done something extra special for him. I almost have to give him permission to eat it, that's how pathetic it is. But true to form - he's working 2:00pm to God only knows when tonight, one of the reasons I stopped cooking anyway. Nobody was ever around to eat what I made. Still - I want me some meat loaf and I aim to have it.

The scary part though, is that I bought the stuff to cook on other days too. And I just popped into the kitchen and made a cucumber salad. Something is wrong with me. Seriously wrong with me. I think I'd better head back to the doctor.


  1. mmmm, meatloaf. Now I want Mac and Cheese too!

  2. I bet you make a booty kickin' meatloaf :)

  3. Meatloaf sounds yumm!I will bet you were hungry when you went shopping too!!! I send hubby now with a list, he is better with a list than I am I tend to get many many extras.
    Have a good weekend

  4. Wasn't my finest meatloaf but it was still good!

  5. Ah, comfort foods. Hope you get round to the meatloaf this weekend!

  6. Wait a minute, it sounds as though youre planning to cook? Oh dear, thats almost certinally something terminal - definately get back to the doctor - or at least have a lie down till the urge goes away! LOL

  7. Yes, not only did I plan it - I DID it! But you sound like you understand. :)

  8. I've never made a meatloaf, not sure I've ever tasted one either...I should look up a recipe and try it out!
