
Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Re-la-a-a-x-ing ...

It's a good day. I officially finished my Christmas shopping on Sunday, including stocking stuff. Last night I wrapped my Mom's gifts and today my son mailed the package for me. I have caught up on my blog reading, I have cats sleeping contentedly next to me and a pot of chili cooking on the stove. Ah-h-h.

Oh, and did I mention I have the whole week off work? Yeah. I do. And after that I still have something like 40 hours I am carrying over until next year. Working for the same company for over 20 years definitely has it's benefits. I don't get paid a
ton of money but I DO get a lot of vacation time. I earn something like 11 hours every 2 weeks. It seems like every time I turn around I have more time to take. I'm not complaining by any means but sometimes I get a little nervous that one day someone is going to call me and say "about all that vacation time we've given you over the years, it was a mistake." But, until someone finds out - I am home this week, it's snowing like the dickens outside, and I have a great view from the couch.

~ * ~

**Edited to add - I am sure it is because I was showing off that right after posting the above - I had to go out into a raging blizzard because - see that on the TV? I didn't have as much of that kind of sauce as I thought I did. Karma. For sure.


  1. A week off wow!!! I am happy for you!
    I am nearly finished too with the Christmas shopping I only have my MIL left,what do you give an 88 year old ... no more nighties no more soaps or perfumes she says to everyone....if you give her anything really nice she re-gifts it, soo frustrating....
    You earned a rest ... sit with a coffee and look out the window at all the people rushing about... and relax! listen to Christmas music and read a book,

  2. Ooo I'm so jealous! I'm 100% sure my dad hasn't started shopping for Mom, which means I'm going to have to do it all this weekend, which will SUCK!

  3. Time is a very precious commodity so I think you are very rich with all that vacation time!

  4. You have it together! Right on! Your tree is gorgeous!

  5. Hope you totally enjoyed your week off!

    Your vacation allowance sounds really generous.. we get 5 weeks per year no matter how long we have slaved there...
