
Friday, January 2, 2009


I've read a few blogs of people who would like to start the new year again due to bad ju-ju on the first or second day. Yeah, already. Thinking maybe I might want to join that group except I think I'd like to start the new year next week sometime. Would anybody out there object?

Cause really, my car shouldn't cost $700.00 to fix!!! I protest! That's puts really bad ju-ju out there for me for the rest of the year. I was going to count the car breaking down as bad luck on the last day of 2008, however the price of the repair is totally just as bad if not worse than sitting on the side of the road with your flashers on. And the repair is definitely in 2009.

Not liking this. Not liking this at all. Thank God for knights in shining armor.


  1. yeah, i'd like a new year that doesn't start with a wicked head cold. kthxbai. :)

  2. And Im one of those who re started !
    And yes I do think tortoise shell cats are a bit wicked ! See the comment I left for you on my blog ... I hope your luck changes . I think it will ....

  3. Well, $700 that just stinks, no matter in 2008 or 2009. We had our car in to be fixed because we couldn't get it in gear.However, we were very fortunate that it only cost $79. We went right down and paid it immediately!
    I'm sure things will be up from now on!

  4. Wow, that's a bit steep.. not a good start at all to 2009!

    So who are these knights in shining armour?

  5. I got that repair bill beat. Trust me.

  6. Ouch That sucks. Since the car broke down in 2008, then it should count as last year's bad luck. Never mind that you actually paid in 2009 - "it" happened in 2008.

  7. Ouch! I sympathize. I'm starting out my 2009, the year of the first ever NaKniSweMoDo otherwise known as "knit 12 adult sized sweaters in 12 months", with a raging, screaming tendinitis flair-up. My hand has been tingling for nearly 24 hours now, and my shoulder and elbow feel like they're going to explode.

    If enough people say that the year hasn't started yet, it can't start, right?

  8. i foolishly went overdrawn by about £3 and now will have bank charges to pay! what a start to the new year; giving away money to people who could buy and sell you!

  9. Seems to me there is a lot of bad luck with this new year. :(

  10. Highway robbery!!! Egads, thats a staggering amount of there anyway a man can take it off to another garage? Sometimes men get better prices on these things, sorry to say, but had it happen more than once....just an idea if you have any doubt about whether it should really be that much....
    Oh BetteJo, its GOT to get better from here, hang in there!

  11. Im going to be a Miss Ray of Sunshine (or something) Think of it this way it couldve been a few thousand???

    Hope it gets fixed quickly :)

  12. I'm in on that one. I got my first speeding ticket ever. I mean, yay...Happy New year!
