
Tuesday, February 17, 2009

A diagnosis might have been nice.

When did I go to the doctor? It was February 5th. At that visit the doctor went over my blood work which wasn't great, decided to give me some new meds, my blood pressure was a little high, my sugar wasn't great but my thyroid was better than expected. Yay. I left the office with an order for more blood work in a month to make sure the new meds he gave me weren't killing me. Another appointment in 3 months. Got it.

So I wasn't expecting any correspondence from my doctor's office in the meantime. That's why I was confused about the envelope that arrived today but I was like - okay, whatever. I opened it to find a 2 page instruction sheet, basically, titled The Type 2 Diabetes Meal Planner. Like seeing THAT wasn't scary! What the hell? It was enough to make me want to go dunk my head in a bowl of chocolate which I've done a good job of staying away from since I announced I was giving up eating.

So .. does this mean the doctor decided between February 5th and today that I am a diabetic? Do you think maybe he should have mentioned that when I was there? If not, and he just wants me to attempt to follow this type of diet, do you think maybe a letter accompanying said diet explaining that would have been helpful? SHEESH!!!!

I guess I'm calling my doctor tomorrow. But I think his office is closed on Wednesdays. Of course.


  1. Geehz, talk about a bad bed side manner! Hard to believe. Hope things work out for you.

  2. I'm a big fan of french fries dunked in chocolate. But I guess if you wanted, you could mix some french fries in the bowl of chocolate and then stick your whole head in THAT.

    Funny. I'm suddently feeling hungry.

  3. OK, well, I agree - this is confusing all by itself with no other info - Id be most put out if I were you!

    But I can say that eating a diabetic diet can bring about some positive changes weight wise, and cant hurt.

    Well, I say it cant hurt. What I miss most is carbohydrates - you know - the best foods are chock full of 'em - oh I miss 'em! But really, they are only as good as they are, because they are totally EVIL!! Really! They are!

    So, Im assuming you will post when you know more? Fingers crossed you havent 'crossed over' to diabetes and can avoid it from happening!

  4. My partner has just been through an very similar experience!

    Hope all's well with you :)
