
Friday, March 13, 2009

Catnip and typhoid

Sitting here hoping I’m not coming down with some dire disease like typhoid, or cholera maybe. My office- roommate at work (offices are only for managers, we don’t have one) has typhoid, I’m sure of it. And she was sweet enough to come to work and breathe in the office room I share with her for 2 days. I’m pretty sure the half cube wall between us wasn’t enough to stop the spray from her sneezes from crossing the room. And she has a degree in microbiology! But I digress. So now of course I am getting a sore throat and I just don’t feel right. And I made the mistake of announcing today that I may get sick sometimes, but I don’t get colds. I believe I said “I haven’t had a cold in a million years!” Everyone within earshot made sure to reinforce how oh yes – NOW I will.

Yeah, so while my sickness may be in my head (I’m hoping), I have to take the doggone boy cat Riley to the vet again. Now he’s got some nasty goop in his eye and he’s kind of half closing it like the other cat did for a long time after I accidentally pinpoint sprayed water right into her eye. She would squint with one eye for a long time after that. So Riley has to go to the vet and have his goop looked at. Yay me – how I love going to the vet! But I guess Riley hates it more than me. Not sure why though, I always buy him a new catnip toy which he rolls around on and licks and gets all Michael Phelps off of, all the while purring ‘sucker’ under his breath. All I get is the bill.

I’m tired. Really tired, and I’m going to bed. I’m going to take the attitude that tomorrow I will wake up and want to go back to sleep as usual, but I will get out of bed and feel fine. I will take the cat to the the vet, he’ll get some drops for his eye and we will come home and share a can of tuna. Okay, maybe not that last part. But all will be well. Positive thinking, right?


  1. I hope you're not getting the crud. The crud sucks.

  2. Oh dear I hope you feel better soon .... My cat pearl had gunge in her eye this week . Pending taking her to the vet I bathed in cooled boiled water on a cotton wool ball and hey presto next morning , its all better ! Saved £40 at least ! Worth a try ?

  3. I love having someone sneeze on me. My grandson often will sit in my lap and read with me. Most often it is accompanied with a sneeze. Got to love him! Hand washing most often follows ;-)
    Hope you are OK.

  4. I hope your ok... getting sick is awful business.

  5. Hope you are now feeling better, it's not fair getting sick especially at the weekend!

  6. Some people are just plain stoopid!!

    I hope you are feeling better!!

  7. No crud, no cold, just had a headache. I'm fine. Was wondering if it was all in my head!

  8. Sounds like both you and Riley needed lots of cat naps. Hope you are better now!
