
Wednesday, March 18, 2009


He's cute, isn't he? If not a little pathetic.

He was supposed
to be done with the eye ointment yesterday but when I came home from work today he looked like this. You think it was a hint? He goes back to the vet tomorrow.

Such a drama queen!


  1. (Chuckle) Very appropriate photo editing! Hope his eye clears up soon.

  2. Love the "looks" animals can give you. Does he have a peg leg?

  3. Yeah - my lame attempt at a peg leg anyway. :) Turns out he has a bit of a scratch on his eye - I think the first ointment aggravated instead of healed. New ointment today and honestly - I think he's enjoying all this spoiling!

  4. poor kitty! =^.^= give extra pets from me please! ♥

  5. Awww poor little kitty cat... He does look very sorry for himself :(

    Hope his eye clears up soon!

  6. Poor sick kitty. My first cat had conjunctivitis as a kitten and never recovered. So she had a gruesome, gooey eye for her whole life. She was still beautiful though.

    Hope your guy feels better soon!

  7. Sorry, am slowly catching up on blogs. But I wanted to say that your peg-leg pirate kitty is hilarious, as was the post before this about internet distractitude. Yeah, I just made a new word there, wanna fight about it?
