
Saturday, April 18, 2009

Wherein I begin to torture myself.

Did I mention I bought some yoga DVDs, under the influence of Ambien? Not just any yoga DVDs, yoga for old people DVDs. So I guess my intentions were good but my confidence was lagging. Seeing as housework gets me winded, I figured I needed to start slow, right? So old people's yoga seemed perfect. It couldn't be that hard, there are 3 consecutive disks, which get progressively harder. But still for old people. So how hard could THAT be???

Well there's this little matter of not being incredibly old, just fat. There were times when I was supposed to bring my knees up to my chest which crushed my boobs into my stomach into my knees - and all that crushing made it freaking hard to breathe!!! Okay, so I improvised. Still - I was getting a bit pissed off that the little old lady in the video (not the instructor) was doing way better than I was. She had little boobs.

When the torture was over I was left lying on the living room floor on my back s
till trying to do the slow deep breaths and relax every part of my body. If I had been the least bit prepared I would have had a pillow and blanket within reach because I was going to have a hard time getting back up! But - I did 50 minutes. And it didn't even feel like 50 minutes so lets see if I can give it a go again. My track history isn't that good, but I'll give it a try. Because God knows - I need to do SOMETHING!

And if I can master old people's yoga, maybe I can graduate to something more difficult before I actually AM eligible for a senior discount everywhere I go.


  1. Hey you have to start somewhere. Give yourself a pat on the back for making that start!

  2. I took some yoga classes years ago. My problem was the relaxation part at the end - I would fall asleep and then worry if I snored!

  3. That woman is just way too flexible!

    I've tried yoga but I need to be more active.

  4. way to go bettejo! rather you than me - he he! x

  5. He there is computer yoga did you know that? Check out WE....I heard it is alot of fun...and fun for the family.

    Something about standing on a platform and then it can tell you if your doing it right etc.

    Hey anything to make it more interesting. I hate Yoga!

  6. Good for you!!

    I too have the boobs problem - even after a reduction! Oh then there is the huge hut too!

    My mum got "expelled" from yoga for getting the giggles every time someone passed wind. ;)
