
Saturday, May 30, 2009

I’m not that kind of girl. Normally.

Sometimes an obsessive personality pays off. Generally it’s just a pain in the behind, but every once in a while it can bring rewards. Going into details would be a total “Dooce” and I won’t do that. But, I got an award at work. Woo hoo!

I received a certificate which had a website URL and an access code to “go shopping” for my award. Fun concept really, I have gotten awards in the past but the gifts you get to choose from these days have improved. Still, when I signed in and clicked to see ALL, I was surprised at not only the variety of things, but the different values of the choices. The awards have certain levels and you would think that all the choices at each level would have the same approximate monetary value.

Well, apparently not!

My office – roommate at work got an award recently, and she chose one of those screened tents for the backyard – you know, so you can sit in your yard and not be bothered by bugs and stuff. I was surprised at her choice because I would consider her a “fancy-girl”, someone to whom Dolce & Gabbana means something. Much more so than I am. I could never afford to be anyway so it’s good my tastes don’t run that direction.

I could have chosen meat if I wanted to. Nice meat too, or lobster. Looking at the pictures gave me a hankering for steak as I am totally a carnivore. But I kept looking. There were gift cards for Merry Maids and spa treatments, car rentals, things like that. There were some power tools I had my eye on, and a weed whacker and a purse as well. I didn’t consider the golf balls at all, or the mixer or waffle maker, and none of the watches or gadgets appealed to me.

In the end I found choosing very difficult so I starting clicking on things I wouldn’t normally consider, just to see more info. One of them was a Tiffany’s gift card. Gulp. Everything else seemed to run the gamut from about $30.00 to about $150.00. The Macy’s gift card was for $100.00. But the Tiffany’s gift card? 500. Dollars. I closed it and opened it again to see if I was reading it right and all of a sudden in front of God and all my cats – I became a “Fancy-girl!” I couldn’t help myself.

I know I won’t get a lot for $500.00 at Tiffany’s, but for once I decided on total indulgence without any view to the practical. Just this once I’m going to be a “fancy-girl” without guilt. Sweet!



  1. Congrats on your award - always nice to get some recognition! And wow, whodve thunk tiffany's would be for THAT MUCH....who could resist? Also - hooray for you! Deciding to have the most FUN with it a gal could have - nice to not always be practical, Cheers!

  2. What great news! Congrats. You can always buy meat or something practical any old time but this is a fabulous treat so Tiffany's is spot on.

  3. That is absolutely thrilling! Congrats! I think you made the right choice.

  4. Hey now, I'd say that's an investment! Right? Congrats on your award. It's awesome to get some recognition from the place you work so hard for!

    Regarding knitting, it's all about what you put your energy into! I still can't wrap my head around what's going on with my blog layout, but you make that seem easy!

  5. Congrats Bette Jo :)

    Nice to treat yourself to something you wouldnt normally get.

    I am like you though - I like my "normal" stuff - true and tested ;)

    We go out for an evening meal before our committee meeting every month and I read the menu and ooh and ahh and always choose the same thing - chicken schnitzel. Hey I love chicken and this is all pure chicken breast - thats my prize :)

  6. Good for you...I do love that pink mixer though. :)
