
Friday, May 1, 2009


The last few days my Google reader has been showing 12 posts. 12 posts I had already read, but
when I clicked to mark them that way - they wouldn't change. I thought - okay, Google is having problems. I'll bet when I check tomorrow, the ones I tried to mark as read will not be showing as unread anymore. Um . . . no.

What I didn't think about, and I cannot believe I didn't notice this - but that number of posts, 12, was not going up either. Today I realized that too many days had passed with no new posts from bloggers that frequently post every day, or at least - every other day. So I started clicking. There were posts all over the place!

After rebooting my computer (I DO work in I.T.) I had 60 posts to read. I'm sure I could have just restarted Firefox but whatever. Rebooting had the desired effect.

So what did I do then? I read and read and barely commented at all. I STILL feel guilty when I do that and feel like I need to come out and apologize as if every person who writes a blog I read is offended when they realize (immediately of course) that I haven't been leaving my love notes on their blogs. Sigh.

I need to get over myself.


  1. *snort* I joke at work when Bossman comes to me to fix his computer, or the data printer or whatever and I just turn it off then turn it back on. Then I offer to send him a bill.

  2. I hate little glitches like that. Also, we all noticed you weren't commenting. The entire blogosphere was abuzz about it. Where's BetteJo?

  3. Hey - people get paid good money for that advice Mahala! Send him a bill!

    Stimey - I know, right? :)

  4. There is an "old" joke about a car full of engineers that has stopped working. The electrical engineer checks the spark plugs, the mechanical engineer checks (something mechanical I can't exactly remember) the computer science engineer suggests they all get out of the car, walk around it and get back in. The car then, naturally, starts.
    Only thing that upsets me is when I don't remember to do that right away.

  5. I just found your blog via Fat To Fifty via SITS. Your writing is great. We share the same love for carbs and candy (chocolate and jelly bellies for me) and the same dislike for treadmills, other exercise and construction work at the crack of dawn.

    I have started dancing around my kitchen and living room for 30 minutes a day. I'm even beginning to feel some muscles in my legs (I think they are muscles anyway...haven't felt any for years.)

    Try putting on the song Wang Dang Doodle by Angela Strehli and see if it doesn't get your bootie moving. My motto - "Clear the room with those hips!"

  6. I depend on Blogger to keep me updated ... and it seems to do a good job.

  7. I noticed! I always notice:) But you always comment, so it figures. You're my one-woman blog support group!

  8. Hi there,
    This is my first visit to your site. My comma usage is shakey so I will fit right in here. Nice to meet you, from a Sits...Cathy

  9. Well YES! I get very upset when you don't visit or comment!!! LOL ;)

    I can barely keep up myself so if the reader misbehaves it would make it even more difficult.

  10. Yes, I did miss your comments and merely assumed you were away! Glad to know it just needed a reboot to solve the problem.
