
Friday, August 21, 2009

You’re killin’ me here!

I have been having an incredibly hard time keeping up with all the blogs lately. I love reading all the blogs I subscribe to but can y’all do me a favor? Post every 2 or 3 days, okay? Every day and more than once a day means I am going to get behind for sure, and severely limits my ability to comment on all the posts I would like to.

Thank you very much. Please go back to your regularly scheduled activities.

**This in no way applies to The Itty Bitty Kitty Committee because I will look at those pictures any day, several times a day. KITTIES!!!!

Just sayin’.


  1. It is hard to comment on everyone's blog I agree esp if your a working gal !
    Take care

  2. I hear you. But my mom yells at me if I don't post anything for more than a day. Are you going to answer to my mom?

  3. Only 92! Mine is currently at 1000+

    I'm never gonna get through them all, although I must admit they are not all blogs, some are news sites etc.

    I know how it's disappointing though not being able to comment on all the blogs all the time!

  4. If I go a full day without reading, I'm often close to 150. On work weeks, when I really fall behind, I start creeping up towards 900 or so... !!

  5. Not finding to to read or comment on my favorite blogs is a problem I have too. Sometimes I just read and don't take the extra time to comment. BetteJo I really appreciate the comments you take time to make on my blog. Thanks

  6. Sorry but my addiction to blogging forbids to blog just a couple times a week :)

  7. OMG I thought I was crazy! 900 or 1000? I would seriously hyperventilate. I'm way too - too - something - to deal with that.

  8. I agree with you. I subscribe on blogs too. Sometimes i can't comment on the other topics because i get left behind,so sad..

  9. Mine was at 950+ when I got back from my trip...these days it's hovering between 350 and 650, depending how busy I am. I don't think I'll ever catch up...needless to say, I'm sorry for my lack of commenting (and I LOVE the IBKC!)

  10. I really had to laugh at this post. I am so far behind that I am just now getting to this post.
