
Tuesday, November 3, 2009


I'm tired. I'm really tired. Like I've never said THAT on my blog before. Worked 11 hours today which is okay because I do get overtime when I work over. But it's also okay because I didn't feel like I was spinning my wheels which is sometimes what it feels like when I can't figure something out. I enjoy my job but I enjoy it most when I'm doing it well.

It's also okay because I have decided to only work a 3 day week this week - with tomorrow being my Friday. Woo hoo, woo hoo! Can't beat that! And it's also okay because after I go into the kitchen and make my lunch for tomorrow - I'm off to an early bedtime. Might watch some election coverage or read a book for a bit. Don't think I'll last long though. Did I mention that I'm sleeeeeepy?
S'cuse me, I have an appointment with a bed. Nite!


  1. I think its that Hibernation time of year ... sleep well !

  2. Enjoy the down time. That is something to woo hoo about.

  3. Sometimes you just have to catch up with your sleep... then you feel like a new person.
    Take care

  4. I'd work more hours in a day to have a shorter week! That rocks!

  5. I hope you had a good night's rest. It must be catching for I am very sleepy tonite myself.

  6. Some evenings I can barely feed myself let alone anything else, I am so tired!
