
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

It's Wednesday?

What happened to Monday and Tuesday?  Not sure what I've been doing.  Just very tired so much of the time.  Saw my doc for my "supervised diet" - lost 6 lbs.  Personally I think someone there likes me and rigged the scale so I wouldn't break down and cry.  Been reading blogs but rarely commenting, just haven't felt like it.  Like it's too much effort which is just not nice or true.  

My daughter and I went thrift/resale shopping on Saturday, that was fun.  It was nice to spend a day with her, she doesn't live at home anymore and I don't get her all to myself that often.  We went shopping and bought some things we did not need, but for very little money so it didn't feel wasteful.  Went to dinner and ate salads and fat free frozen yogurt.  Yes.  There were sprinkles.  

Click to see bigger
Also did some work on my mosaic table project.  It's a table that looks like it started as maybe a rough cabinet door or something, and was screwed onto a wrought iron base.  The wood is unfinished around the edges and it is definitely make-shift.  Finished the mosaic on top, still have to seal the grout, put some trim on the sides and paint the base.  But here's what it looks like so far.  It isn't entirely level .. I read about how to make sure all your pieces of tile are even .. after I glued them all down.  But I am happy with it - with all it's imperfections.  It is my first try at this and it's made out of my dishes - well not my dishes, but broken pieces of my dishes - some Birds and Bees and some Sweet Shoppe, by Sue Zipkin.  Love my dishes, figured I would love my table and I do.  

I'm sure I will start commenting more again soon, maybe after a few naps.  SO sleepy!



  1. I just LOVE,LOVE,LOVE your table! It is positively GORGEOUS!!!!I can't believe how pretty it turned out!!! Keep up your fantastic artistic talent! Cindie

  2. Beautiful table. I love the rustic feel it has. I never get past the thinking stage on those kind of projects. Hope the funk passes soon. Lack of sleep can be very hard to deal with. Hang in there.

  3. Congrats on the six pounds!

    The mosaic looks awesome!

    Happy St. Patty's Day!

  4. You did a marvelous job with the mosaic! Me? I don't have very interesting crockery so they are not worth saving.

  5. You're allowed a holiday. Ok, when I read your blog, I said "Wednesday, what happened to the week its Saturday."
    I have been working on changes to a web site so seems we dropped out of the picture also for awhile.
    The other changes were computer glasses, what a difference a pair makes, I hope to get more work done, faster and without a soar neck.
    This word you called make-shift, I've been calling mig-shift all these years, lol.
    Way to go on the 6lbs. When I go to the doctor I almost cry just hearing them say, "ok, lets get your weight." No you don't get it, only I get it...
