
Saturday, April 23, 2011

I deleted my Facebook account.

Actually, I think I just deactivated it.  I would like to delete it but I'm not sure they let you do that.  But I won't miss it.  There is something about it that I have never been comfortable with.  Obviously I am comfortable on the Internet, I have several blogs.  But there was something about putting myself out there with my last name, my maiden name, my hometown and all that stuff - I didn't like it.  Eeewww.  It's probably not that unusual though if you consider the fact that I rarely answer my home phone and consider most phone calls an intrusion, hate it when people ring my doorbell unexpectedly, and rarely shop outside my home unless I have to.  

Groceries, yeah.

So I deactivated my account.  Goodbye Facebook.  I barely knew ye.

Anybody else uncomfortable with it?



  1. I'm actually liking Facebook more and more as I use it, but I completely understand what you're saying. I only use it with my maiden name, not that it would be hard to track me down though.

    I heard that you have to have your account deactivated for a month before you can delete it because lots of people want to delete their accounts and then change their minds.

  2. I love FB ... I only "friend" people I know and don't really personal up there.

  3. I use FB strictly for my jewelry business. There are other ways of communicating with friends and family.

    Just saw a blog post about how some bank robbers were nabbed after they boasted about their heist on Facebook!! Duh.

  4. I have 2 FB's one for Lady Banana and one for the real me, and I rarely look at either.

    I think (hope) I am as privatised as possible with very little visible to anyone - in fact there is so little info there in the first place.

  5. I tried to delete everyone on my facebook a year ago, then they made a change to some privacy settings and it activated everyone again. It took me forever to delete adn I just don't want to give the time to it any longer. I watched a program on |W5 about Facebook, not nice. I'm liking it less and less all the time, now that busy season is upon me I won't have time anyway.

  6. Understand exactly where you are coming from!! Just deleted, not deactivated but deleted my FB account to get back to the old fashioned way socializing - I wrote about it on my blog and found your blog because I wanted to see if anyone else wrote about their bye bye to FB experience. Here is a link to my thoughts on saying bye bye to FB - thank you for sharing!
