
Thursday, June 16, 2011

Talk about dumb luck!

Speaking to a friend at work the other day, about living check to check, getting into a crunch waiting for the next paycheck.  She suggested I sell some of my company stock and I was like - can't - it's rolled into my 401K - can't touch that.  

She proceeded to explain that I was an idiot, and told me which website to go to - to see how much stock I had.  See, we had a employee stock purchase plan and I knew I contributed to it.  Had no clue how much, it was set up years ago.  At some point (most likely only in my head) the stock was rolled into our 401K's or something and I went - what. ever.  

Guess I should pay attention.  But it this case, my inattention to details was a very good thing.

For years I have been accumulating stock - completely separate from my 401K, and didn't realize it.  And when I went into that website I was all .. this isn't freaking possible!  Until another friend said .. you know .. you can buy a house now.  



Well I'll be damned!  Guess I can!

But I'm not going to.  Instead of cashing out I upped the amount I'm contributing and will sit on it for a bit until I figure out how much longer I have (no, I don't know for sure) on my lease at this house that I HATE ... and I have a chance to accumulate a bit more money.  

Don't get me wrong, I cannot just buy a house.  But it is enough money to put a down payment on a townhouse, which is what I want.  And not having the down payment is what has stopped me from doing it.  


Then tonight I finally decided to sit down and address all the medical bills that have been coming in since my mom passed away.  Yes it HAS been a while.  So I was sitting on the floor stuffing envelopes with copies of death certificates (wince) and I picked up another bill that I hadn't opened.  It was the one I was afraid of - from the nursing home.  The rest of Mom's bills are like a hundred bucks or less for the most part.  But the nursing home cost $12,000.00 a month.  I did not want to look in that envelope and see they were looking for a month's worth of care she might have owed.

But no.  I was SO confused.  It looked like a bill.  All the itemized stuff was there - oxygen, wheelchair, stuff and stuff and stuff ... pay $7000.00 ... but in the due date field .. it said 'refund'.


I don't get to keep it or anything, matter of fact it is already on it's way to where someone more responsible than me can put it where it needs to go.

But here is the question:




  1. Run, run fast to buy that ticket, before the luck all runs out. It doesn't last very long ya know.

  2. WHOA. That is a really good day. Buy that ticket. NOW.

  3. YES! While the lucky streak lasts! lol

  4. What fantastic news! One ticket won't hurt. You're very wise to take the wait and see and save up a bit more. There is more than just a down payment in buying a home - movers, lawyers etc.

  5. What great news! I sure hope that you did buy that lottery ticket.
