
Friday, September 16, 2011

Eat, walk, shower.

So let's see .. had surgery, had to go back to the hospital, consumed massive amounts of antibiotics, went back to work and discovered - I can eat any doggone thing I want.  Smaller quantities - but nothing has given me a problem.  Good news?  In some respects but right now I have not had my band filled so do not have as much restriction as someone who has.  And if it were uncomfortable to eat certain foods there would be more restriction that way.  Waiting for my first fill is frustrating but I understand they are waiting a bit because of the infection.  It's gone, but they would have to put a needle right into the spot where the skin was infected and they don't want to take any chances.  So, weight has been lost but it's slow going right now.  That's okay, healing has gone well and I feel almost totally normal except for the button under my skin.  But I am finding that feeling normal means I also have the impulses to eat normally.  That means badly.  It's a good thing that whatever I do eat - I can only eat about half as much as I used to.

So ... I've been walking.  There is a bike path behind the building I work in so at lunch you can find me out there walking and getting inappropriately sweaty in my work clothes.  Who am I kidding?  Jeans, top, and gym shoes.  Work clothes, ha!  It's a nice path though, pretty, and only one bike has passed me so far.  It's also nice to take that break in the middle of the day to get outside and clear your head while enjoying the scenery and wildlife.  Birds, squirrels, geese .. and today a bonus - clouds of gnats!  It's been educational too, I now know what a hedgeapple is and if I had a large rural property - I could see planting those dense trees as a wind break or to keep my cows in.  Or goats.  Or dogs?  Whatever.  More likely a husband if I had one.  I could never afford a large property on my own. 

Last weekend I had the joy of being mother of the bride - at Dani's wedding shower.  What fun!  It's been my experience that you go to these things and you open gifts from people you don't know because your future mother-in-law invited everyone she knew - and the gifts are nothing you wanted or registered for because your future MIL told everyone not to buy you that stuff because it was frivolous and what you really needed was every day stuff and your favorite color is blue even though you very specifically told her you didn't want blue in kitchen stuff.  

Wait - that was MY shower.  Ahem.

Dani's shower was quite different.  It was a smallish group and there was no one there Dani had not wanted there herself.  It was a book themed shower, and there were book related games as well as a hysterical multiple choice question game about how well you knew Dani - I won!  :)  Being her mother was not considered cheating.  It sounds cheesy but we were not supposed to say certain words - Dani, Dan, marriage, wedding and something else .. or you would lose your paperclip.  If someone said one of those words and you called them on it - you got to take their paperclip.  I did discover that Dani's future MIL and I were particularly vicious in pursuit of those paperclips - must be something about getting jaded as you get older - we didn't care who we had to call out - we just wanted to WIN!  

It was actually fun, we laughed the whole afternoon as well as ate wonderful food made by Dawn, Dani's friend who did a great job with the whole thing.   One thing I particularly liked that was very sweet, was the tree Dawn made for Dani.  When guests arrived they pressed their thumb into a green ink pad and put their thumb print onto a picture of a tree - each thumb print becoming a leaf where the person would then sign their name.  Of course I tried to write MOM - but since I never actually write anymore - I wrote Mom with only enough humps to be an N instead of an M at the end, and when I tried to correct it - it came out looking like Mona.  

Oh well.  Dani will always know who Mona is.  Dawn framed the picture and gave it to Dani at the end of the shower.  So sweet!

Oh - and in case you were wondering - Sharon (future MIL) won the paperclip game.  :)

Next post?  The adventures of a MOB who puts off buying a dress because she doesn't know what size she will be when she attends the wedding, and then tries to find a nice plus sized dress for the occasion - in a hurry.  (switch to voice dripping with sarcasm..) Now THAT was  fun.  



  1. Good to hear you are doing ok!

    Slowly but surely you will achieve your goal I'm sure :)

  2. Wonderful to hear you are getting on. Can't wait to see the MOB dress you will eventually WILL buy!

  3. Glad you healed, next step. Waiting is so hard to do. I like the path outback of your work it is inviting, keep walking. Hum, mob dress...

  4. SO glad things went well! You're so brave!!! Hope the walking keeps going nicely.

    Congrats! Btw, ditto what these other gals said~
