
Tuesday, December 13, 2011



Sitting in a coffee shop this evening with some time to kill, waiting for my friend to arrive I spent about a half hour reading  my Post Secret app.  If you're familiar with Post Secret, the app is different.  Instead of just secrets there are a lot posts about longing for love, lost love, bad love, and any other kind of love you can imagine.  There are also a lot of 'days sober' and disturbingly - many 'I don't want to live anymore' posts.

Being a moody and depressed teen (and adult, for that matter!) myself at one time, I had to look around and say - damn!  I'm pretty doggone happy with things these days.  

Really.  Thank God.



  1. That is a great realization to have!

  2. We just have to remind ourselves sometimes that we are OK and even good sometimes. Those reality checks are necessary for lots of us.

  3. I think it was the angst, the "my life (love-life, whatever)is worse than anyone else's I will never get over this until the day I die maybe I will die now - heart my secret and I won't kill myself" attitude that got to me. It's been a very long time since I've been an angsty teen. Plus - I'm properly medicated now so I deal with things better. :)

  4. BetteJo, I had to go back and re-read your post to see you were talking about the comments you read.. I didn't take you for someone to back up in-order to get ahead kind of gal. Teenage years were tough, but we all suffered, I know I was told that, and couldn't address my feelings. I was there didn't write a book because I feared someone would read it. Take care
