
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

NOW NO soliciting please!

A lady did not see my sign and knocked on my door 2 weeks ago. Upon answering the woman told me she was from a consumer survey group along the lines of Nielson, and wanted to ask me some questions.  If I would let her do that, she would give me $20.00.  So, I let her in.  45 minutes later she gave me a thick booklet and told me if I completed those questions, I would receive another $40.00.  And she gave me the promised $20.00.

Later that evening I started on the booklet and as the time ticked by I started to realize just how much time it was going to take.  At some point I saw that at about halfway through, I was going to be up way past my bedtime if I finished it, but on the other hand - even half was a ton of work so I didn't want to just quit.  At 3:00 am it was complete.  I haven't been up till 3:00 am in years!

The next morning on my way out to work I dropped the booklet on the porch expecting it to be picked up sometime during the day.  It wasn't.  I left it there flapping in the breeze until on the 5th day it was about to rain.  I took it in and threw it on the kitchen island figuring I had misunderstood something about when the lady was coming back ...  It sat there for a few days until I said "to hell with it" and tossed it in the recycling.

I received a voice mail yesterday from said lady, saying she wasn't sure why she hadn't picked up my booklet, and she would like to stop by.  I called back and left her a voice mail explaining how I left it out for her to pick up but I'm sorry, I tossed it in the recycling and it was gone so there was no reason for her to come by.  Maybe next year, I said.

Today in between my 2 doors I found another copy of the survey and a note.  When I opened it there were 2 20 dollar bills and the note apologizing for her not picking up my original survey, and asking me to accept the $40.00 from her, not the company.  She asked that if I did want to complete the survey again (I would rather open a vein) and mail it in - the company would send me another $40.00.

So I did the original survey but it didn't get to the company it was for.  And the lady felt bad for not picking up the survey I did - I'm sure she knows how long they take.  So she leaves me money but walks away with nothing.  Now I feel bad.  Still - I don't want to do the damn thing again.  Seriously, it took me a good 5 hours!  If I had seen her I would not have accepted the money, but she just left it.

Am I crazy for feeling bad?  I have no intention of doing that survey a second time.  I mean it forced me to face things like - why do I use Dawn dish soap instead of Palmolive and how often do I actually read the magazines I get in my mailbox?  Why do I buy what I buy, use what I use, think what I think ... !!!  Those are tough issues people!  I can't face dredging up all those things again.

But .. she gave me $40.00 ...



  1. That is a tough one. Especailly when you have met the person face to face. But it was her fault that she didn't pick up the original and don't you feel your time was worth the money? So throw out the second one and treat yourself to something with the money. Let the guilt go, you did your part.

    1. Well I did put the money in my purse. When I did the survey the 1st (and only) time it literally took me 5 hours. I just can't do that again. Still .. there is that tug ..

  2. I was part of a Nielsens thing for 2 years, it was called Arbitron and it monitored what I listen to on TV and Radio through out the day. It paid about $500-$600 a year depending how long you wore the device a month. Is that your picture because your beautiful. :-)

  3. BetteJo, she gave you $40 bucks...out of her own pocket. besides the second time around won't be half as long. Think of it this way 30 minutes twice a day and in no time. I think that is what a doctor said about exercising one time. Our recycle goes about once every two weeks. Even at that we forget and it piles up for months, lol. You sure it isn't around in a bag somewhere? Oh my gosh, guilt over $40 dollars on the other hand those horrid questions.

    1. Funny - the day she called - was the day the recycling had been picked up earlier in the morning. Yikes!
