
Sunday, December 16, 2012


Since being away for 5 days and now being home for 6, Norah has been struggling to get better but also to fit back in where she was before with the other cats.  Especially Riley.  For anyone who has cats you know they can be very weird about a cat being away - or moving into a new home, all of a sudden they act like they have never seen each other before.  They hiss and spit and bristle when one gets close to another.

Riley and Norah have always been cuddle buddies.  But since Norah has been home Riley hasn't wanted anything to do with her.  She would try to come close and he would hiss and even swatted at her once.  Poor Norah was trying to recover from being so sick, and had to deal with this rejection as well.  Today, FINALLY, Riley let her lay with him and even bathed and groomed her a bit.

It's a start.

I think we could all use a bit of cuddling right now.



  1. Glad to hear they are making an effort, unlike kids who always have to hiss, spit and growl, lol

    1. Sounds like Grandma needs to be the peacemaker, huh? :)

  2. I have been reading all about Norah and am so glad that she is recovering. She had us all worried.

    1. Thanks - I was worried too. I asked the doc to be honest with me and he said she could die - or we might need to put her down, she was in such bad shape. But she is bouncing back quite nicely. She goes back to the vet tomorrow to see how her kidney function is doing.

  3. Poor brave Kitty glad they worked it out.....and now I hope for you both that the results will be decent....hang in there!

  4. Yeah, although it still hasn't gotten back to normal yet. :(
