
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

REALLY crazy cat lady.

Seems my days have been a blur of opening cans of cat food, pouches, and sometimes unscrewing baby food jars.  Popping pills in the kitty's mouth, offering water and food and constantly monitoring.  Norah seems to be doing well sometimes, but now she isn't eating much again, to the point I had to force feed her with a syringe yesterday.  She hides when she thinks I am going to give her fluids, and tries to get away while I'm doing it.  She's wearing me down.  But then she comes and climbs into my lap, she's never been a lap cat, and she doesn't seem in pain or on the verge of death.  But her kidneys aren't functioning properly and if the only way to keep her going is with constant IV fluids - well - that's not going to happen.  Last night I was tired and had just finished forcing some food into Norah's mouth while she looked at me with that look only a cat can give as if to say -  "what the f*&k are you doing to me???"
Staying out of reach so she doesn't have to
have her sub-cue fluids.

As tears started to sting my eyes and I sat down to give in to despair I thought "HOLY CRAP!  I'M OFF MY MEDS!!!"

With everything that's been happening lately I have gotten lax about my own medication and must have gone a few days too many without my meds.  Not that the idea of possibly losing a cat shouldn't make one cry, but being properly medicated allows me to cope better.  YIKES.  I can't take care of my cats at the expense of my own health.  No matter how much I love them.

Norah goes back to the vet Thursday morning, we will see what the prognosis is then.


  1. Aw, force feeding a cat is not easy. In fact, we couldn't even do it with our first cat who developed fatty liver disease. A really nice vet that worked with the shelter offered to take him for a week and force feed him to get him to eat on his own again. She saved his life! I know how distracting it is to have a sick cat to care for and understand completely how you could forget your own meds. Good thing you finally remembered! Take care of yourself first.

    1. Did it before with my other cat - fatty liver too - but ended up having to get her a feeding tube. That turned out to be so much easier! She's diabetic now :( but she's 18 years old so I consider us lucky to still have her.
      Thanks for stopping by!

  2. You've got to take care of yourself before you can take care of others.

    1. Yeah, I need structure. When I don't have it - I forget the details. I'm properly medicated now!

  3. Holly cow girl, I'm just catching up. Home from the beach and sorry to hear you have had so much kitty trouble and memory trouble. Although that memory thing could happen any time, we aren't blaming the kitties. I so feel for you in this desperate time. I hope you get some good news, feel better, and treat yourself to a movie tonight, hang in

    1. I'm okay Cindy, thanks. We just keep putting one foot in front of the other, right?
