
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

I stand accused!

I visit clients at their offices frequently now.  This is new to me and for the most part, I enjoy it.  Yesterday I had 2 appointments, one right after the other, and the second one lasted most of the day.  Toward the end of that appointment I got a call from the 1st client.  Apparently the girl I had worked with there had her purse stolen.

And they thought I did it.

The woman on the phone was the office manager and she bounced around from "her purse was here and when you left it was gone" to "well I thought maybe you accidentally picked it up" to "she's going to have to file a police report ..! " like that should frighten me into confessing or offering to return the bag.  She even told me "somebody used her credit cards!"  What did she want me to say??

I was flabbergasted!  I go to a location as a representative of the company I work for, and while some of my grammar and fashion choices may be criminal - my behavior isn't!

It's funny because I saw the one girl for maybe 15 minutes.  The woman on the phone I had never spoken to before.  They don't know me from Adam.  So I shouldn't care that they might think I could steal a purse.  Logically, they were trying to figure out who was in the office, when the last time she saw her purse was, etc.  And maybe I was the only stranger they saw that day.  But being accused of something like that really sucks.  I know they were not accusing BetteJo, a person they know and whose character they could judge.  They were accusing the only person they could think of who was a stranger and might have had the opportunity.  So I should be able to not take it personally. But there is a part of me that kind of hoped they would have the police check with me so they could compare the location and time the credit cards were used to my parking receipts and proof of where I was and when.

But no.  There was no contact today, the client did not call back, the police did not contact me, and I suspect I will not hear any more of it.  But it bothers me.  There was controlled anger in the voice of the woman I spoke to, like she was furious because she felt she knew I was a thief and she was attempting to scare me into giving something away.

I'm sure with all the vet bills I have, it wouldn't surprise some people if at 53 years old this crazy cat lady turned to purse snatching to buy kitty some more insulin.  I mean - I have made some major changes in my life in the last year, why not turn to crime?  SHEESH!

While I don't expect an apology, it would be nice to have some kind of resolution because - as of now?  I remain in accusation limbo.  And I don't like it.


  1. It's all about Compliance!!

  2. Felt pretty crappy, that's for sure!

  3. Ok, that is just not right. I figure the older we get the more respect we get also. Hum must have been frustrating on your part, for sure let us know how this turns out would you if something comes of it like we might have to gang together and bring our purses down and bail you out of something. Some people are just too cranky, reminds me of a time in my life I didn't share with anyone and now you are bringing it out. I lived in an apartment when the girls were young and an elderly lady in the building asked me to help her get a box out of storage and bring it to her apartment for her. I did and then told her I had to get moving along as I needed to get some milk before the girls came home from school. After supper two rather big intimidating police officers were at my door wanting a statement from me that I'd been accused of stealing from this lady. YUP, she had a dish with about $3.00 in quarters somewhere and called the police and reported that I had stolen them to go and buy milk for my kids. OMG, I'm telling you here I am a mother volunteering as a reading buddy 3 days a week at the school, once a week as a scout leader, and looking after elderly in a nursing home and didn't see that coming. She used to yell things at me each time she saw me leaving the apartment, then call the police again about something. I told the officers, "quarters" did you see the 3 china cabinets she had full of Royal Dalton Figurines and the Royal Family Memorabilia all over the place, really....sorry for the rant I had to get that out

    1. I kind of wish the police had come to see me. At least then I would have had the chance to defend myself or prove where I was at the time someone used those credit cards. But I never heard anything else. And I can't really contact them again and say - so what happened? Did you find the real thief? They are a client, so tread lightly, y'know? Ugh. Sounds like you had a real nutty neighbor there.
