
Wednesday, November 27, 2013

.. and then there were two.

Riley lived a good, long life.  But with the recent diagnosis of bladder cancer and the discomfort it was causing, it was time to say goodbye.

Riley was 20 years old and I will miss him every. single. day.

I love you old man.


  1. Good old Kitty, Loved his junk food!! :-) I'll miss him too. Sorry Babu

    1. Bringing Riley a cheeseburger was a wonderful goodbye. Thank you Honey.

  2. So sorry about Riley, but he was so sick, it was time to let go. It's hard, but he's in no pain now and had 20 good years.

  3. This pic of him is just perfect. Quiet, sweet and loving baby. Even if this was the only thing to do, it's so difficult to let the loving ones go, especially if WE take the decision.

    1. I was SO hoping I wouldn't have to make the decision, but I had to do it. This is my favorite all time picture of Riley - before he had any illnesses, relaxed and looking straight at me as I took the photo. :) Such a handsome boy.

  4. Frame this picture of him before he was sick and remember the good times. Pets sure can be your best friend. Sorry to hear you had to part with the friendship I know how much you loved and cared for Riley- it showed in your posts. I have a old girl (dog) on her last legs and my gosh I know your pain. Wishing you happiness and peace my friend.

    1. Thanks, Cindy. Is that the dog who punishes herself when she barks? I love that story. Yes, I have cried more in the last few days than I want to admit. But Riley was the one who has wanted and needed to be by me for the last few years. He was either next to me or sitting on me. Sometimes he followed me from room to room. I almost didn't realize how much of a companion he had become. I truly miss him.

  5. Oh Lady B this has been so much harder than I was expecting. I lost Jakie in April - but this is different. I really miss the old man.

  6. So very very sorry.

    Tonya Luten
