
Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Where are the over 50 ladies?

When I started my blog a million years ago, I searched and found blogs to read.  In the beginning it was mostly mommy bloggers, relating to their stories of family, kids, and home was very natural to me.  But now being 56 years old I find myself in search of my contemporaries.  Where are you ladies of my age?

Since being away from my blog, many that I used to read are gone, abandoned, shut down, or disappeared.  And I'm not as interested in many of those anymore anyway.  There were a couple directories I looked at tonight - looking for blogs specifically for my age group.  Not fashion over 50, fitness over 50, love over 50 .. any of those things.  Just thoughts from people who have lived as much as I have.

Where are you, ladies?  Or .. even men, I guess.  Where are you?


  1. Still here, Bette Jo. And still writing my jewelry making blog - many of my readers are in our age group. I take it you have moved on with your hobbies? I have missed reading your blog while you have been away!

    1. Pearl I have to give you props for keeping it going with such consistency! I will definitely stop by now and then but you're right, I haven't been making jewelry unless I want something new to wear!

  2. Hey, BetteJo. I'm older than you, having reached my big 6-0 already (plus!). I want to thank you so much for the very kind comment you left regarding our Tiger girl's passing. I love how you described Tiger's 'bucket list.' That was just beautiful. And I'm so sorry that you've lost so many of your feline friends in recent years. It is not easy, that is for sure. Thank you again, so very much!

    1. You're welcome Donna. I was touched by your daughter having the chance to spend that time with Tiger. It was like the circle had closed.
