
Tuesday, March 14, 2017

.. and cats.

My life.
I work.
I have cats.
Okay, so there are a few other things in my life like a man friend, a son who lives with me a a daughter who is PREGNANT!!!  I'm going to be a grandma!
But beyond those things.

My last foster Meatloaf, did indeed find a special home.  A young couple with one cat adopted him and it looks like Meatloaf has especially bonded with his new dad.  I am SO happy for him.

Since then I have had 2 other fosters, little Grace who is not more than a year and had already given birth to 5 kittens!  And the purported father of said kittens - Tex.  Both wonderful kitties, were only here for a couple weeks.  Most shelter cats tend to come sick, and Grace & Tex were no different.  Once they were well it was time to deliver them to the Petsmart where they were to be put up for adoption.

Turns out - Tex is a nervous traveler.  When I originally picked him up he pooped in his carrier but I didn't think anything of it.  But when I was returning him to the store and he pooped again - I was like - so Tex, you're not fond of the car, huh?

My daughter Dani was with me and had her dog Rue in the front seat of the car with her.  Grace and Tex were both in the back seat when that unmistakable odor wafted into the front seat.  My pregnant daughter was gagging and we quickly opened the windows while I searched for a place to pull over.

Oh my!  I generally don't travel with wet wipes or anything one would need to clean up kitty poop. Going around to the back seat I opened the door and opened Tex's carrier.  Pulling the blanket out - pieces of poop fell onto the asphalt of the parking lot we were in - but um .. more was still in the carrier.  Trying to get Tex out of the carrier while blocking the door - apparently I smooshed the rest of the poop all along side the inside of the carrier.  OH DIDN'T WE HAVE FUN!

Dani handed me the garbage bag I carry in the front seat that happened to contain a bunch of balled up paper towels which I used to mop up what I could.  Liquid was nowhere to be found but after searching my purse I found one - count 'em - one eye glass lens wipe.  It was enough to wipe up about an inch of smooshed poop.  There I was, determined to not deliver Tex to the store while sitting in his own poop - spitting on paper towels and scrubbing the inside of his carrier - while still making sure Tex did not escape from the car.  Argh!

Mr. McStinky-pants was delivered to the store with some dried poop still on the inside of the carrier, but not on him, and much less than had been there originally.  That night I set out to put together a kit for my car with extra kitty blankets, wet wipes, puppy pee pads, garbage bags, as well as some hand sanitizer and collapsible food bowls.

No doubt I've missed something, but God knows no one will be able say I didn't TRY to be prepared if it happens again!


  1. That happens to crash everytime she's in the car. When I moved 10 years ago, I had a three hour drive with stereo cats. Crash and Burn were meowing together, then Crash pooped about halfway through the trip. The last time she went to the vet, she peed and vomited during a 2 mile drive, all the while meowing.

    1. Oh boy - sounds like you know just what I'm talking about! Gotta love stereo kitties, are yours quiet on the way home? Mine usually are. :)

  2. OH My, yup some fur babies don't travel that well. I'm so glad to see you come by, ya, I"m with you in the we should we should I should stage of life, but see you made it, hugs.... P.S. I don't keep wipes, either in face my son got a surprise when he opened up my plastic container of baby wipes.
