
Monday, October 11, 2021

Come at me Bro!

Late last week TMZ managed to spot Steve Perry outside The Ivy in L.A. having lunch, and filmed him from their tour bus. Who knew TMZ had a tour bus?

Anyway, once the video was published many fans were thrilled to get a glimpse of their elusive,
favorite singer. Fans like me. Others, were not kind. And to that I say - WTF Internet????

Steve has had a long and complicated career. He has been out in front in Journey and on 3 solo albums over the years. He has been very reclusive as well, for years and years at a time. He has had many looks and is somewhat famous for his hair - second only to his fabulous voice and music. Okay third, there is also his song writing. 

To many he is also known for his love of and graciousness to his fans. There are so many pictures out there of him posing with fans, and also photos and videos of him signing all kinds of things, even when it is obvious the 'fan' is going to turn around and sell his signature.

He's a good guy, and does good things with his time and money.

Over the years just like his hair has changed, so has his weight. He was rail thin when he joined Journey, and is usually fairly slim. But sometimes, like most of us, he has put on a few pounds. SO WHAT??? And omg in the TMZ video it revealed that he has let his hair go gray.


I have been hoping he would do that, actually. Super dark hair on someone who is older never looks natural, no matter what super duper salon you go to. It's not a great photo because it's a screen cap but to me he looks happy, and relaxed. That is important these days with the world on fire all around us.

Some people were saying that isn't him in the video, that it doesn't look like Steve Perry. The man is 72 years old, people! He has been aging all along, even if we don't see him very often it doesn't mean he has stayed 30 years old and untouched by time. If he had, people would be clamoring for his secret, for sure, and I would be at the head of that line.

What's funny to me is, any time he has put on weight he has always lost it again, so this is actually not new for him. I suspect he is very much in control and consciously decides to not watch his diet sometimes but when he feels the need he jumps back on the healthier road and takes care of business. And if he wants to dye his hair again (hope not) that will take an hour. 

Honestly though, why the hell does he have to fit some ideal for US? Let him be who he is. He has given us so much wonderful music and while we are always waiting for more, seriously, he doesn't owe us a thing, and that includes looking a certain way for us. 

So I am here to defend him. 

Next person who says anything unkind about him is gonna hear from me - like - we can take it outside if need be! Come at me, Bro! (Says the 62 year old gray haired woman) 

Be kind. 

And here, enjoy some of the many faces of Steve Perry, below, and the very first song he wrote with Neal Schon after joining Journey.


  1. He also has had major hip surgery and multiple serious upper respiratory infections and still toured. His body was completely worn out! He’s probably been on steroids. Antibiotics. Ant inflammation meds that makes weight to yo. Lord knows I sure wish I looked like I was 24 again. I’m just so deeply grateful he’s back doing music 🎶 befire we leave this earth!

    1. I will say though, as worn out as he was, and as much as I love him - I wish he would put out some of that music he says he has ready to go!

  2. People should know that no one is going to still look really good like they use to look when they were a younger age of 25. Everyone when they get older shows their age from wrinkles and people gain weight. It is normal to look that way.
    I don't care what Steve Perry looks like on the outside what matters to me is that Steve Perry has a really kind and generous person. He gave away his Mercedes 450 SL Convertible Car to a Charity Organization in September of 2021. Steve is very intelligent, loving, caring, and a hard working singer, songwriter and composer. Steve is 73 years old now. Steve should be retired now. Most people retired at age 65. Not Steve Perry. But I still think he looks good and he has a gentle and kind soul. I have been a Steve Perry Fan since I was 16 years old. I would listen to Journey songs on the radio and I have his Greatest Hits CD from Journey and also I have Steve Perry's Solo CD with his Greatest Hits like Oh Sherrie, Foolish Heart, and Missing YOu. I have been Steve Perr's fan for several years now. I love his music and I also love Steve Perry's Character. He is a an Amazing singer and song writer.

    1. Big fan myself and I am absolutely fine with how he looks! Made me mad when people were going on about it - like he’s still supposed to have hair halfway down his back and a leopard print tee shirt on. Ridiculous!

    2. That is my comment that I wrote about Steve Perry. My name is Frances D.
      I just don't like people on the internet saying bad things about Steve Perry he will always be a Great Singer, Songwriter and Composer in my heart. I love his singing and he is very generous and a very kind person.
      Honestly, NO ONE LOOKS GREAT when they get older unless they have Plastic Surgery or color their hair and are constantly losing weight to look good. Let Steve Perry be himself. Steve Perry doesn't owe the public People anything at all. I have been his Loyal Fan for 40 years.
