
Thursday, February 10, 2022

The Olympics

Anyone watching? Well, I know no one is reading here so the question is moot. 

I used to watch when I was a kid - it was a big deal back then, of course we only had like 4 channels to
choose from and it was the only thing to watch that wasn't the usual. Now, we have as many channels as
we choose to pay for, cable, streaming, however we get our TV - there is a lot of it.

But I haven't watched since they started allowing professional athletes to compete. It didn't make sense to me anymore. It was all about amateur athletes working hard to get to their dream of competing in the Olympics. Somehow professional athletes seemed to have an advantage to me, seeing as how that was how they were making their living. Not even sure if anyone would consider that a valid argument against watching. But it is my reason. It's not a political stand or a principle I'm standing on. It's as simple as - that's what made me lose interest since it didn't represent what it used to, to me.

Many people aren't watching this year because the games are being held in China. I suppose that might be a consideration if I was interested but I'm just not. 

Makes me a little sad. I remember very clearly feeling proud of our athletes, watching them coming out during the opening ceremonies, crying with them when they won - and when they lost. 

It's just not there anymore. One more thing that has changed as I've gotten older.

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