
Thursday, October 30, 2008

Over. It has to be over.

I am convinced that every single time my son changes the toilet paper roll he puts it on with the paper going under instead of over, not because he likes it that way, or because he doesn't know I like it the other way. I believe he does it for the simple amusement of knowing that every single time he puts it on the wrong way, the next time I am in there, I will turn it around.


  1. LOLz - it must all be in the chromosomes!!!! Teeheeheee

  2. I trend toward the obsessive. I am taking a moment to be grateful for not counting the under-over issue to be one of my compulsions.


  3. LOL!!!
    Let it go breath Mom don't change it
    drive HIM nuts.
    By the way Happy Halloween!

  4. Yeah, I agree with Diane. Just let it go and who knows you might get to like the under way.....maybe. Happy Halloween!

  5. I always do it the under way.. and I'm lucky if anyone else changes the toilet roll anyway!

  6. Ho Hon, just wanted to drop in to wish you a happy Halloween.
    Don't eat too much candy

  7. I'm amazed that he doesn't just put it on the floor or the back of the toilet like a certain every single roommate I have ever had.

  8. Wow - I thought most people had a preference! Is it just me, after all?

  9. Hmm... it drives me nuts when my husband puts his razor in the rack back to front - does that count?

  10. Maybe he is obsessed with it the other way as you are for the way you like it.... imagine OCD loo paper war!!! Could make a midday movie from that huh!!!

    If it makes you feel better my Mum and I had the same thing - and after years and years I didnt like it hanging over anymore and went mums way!!

  11. I don't think he really cares which way it goes. I think he does it just so I will turn it around. It amuses him.

  12. Oh yeah. Over. Definitely over.

    I'm with Lady Banana, though. On the odd occasion when someone other than me actually *does* change it, he (read 'DH') insists on under. It's just wrong... *wrong* I tell ya!!

    Nice to see ya :) I'm really trying to not be a stranger (strange, well that's a given :p)

