
Saturday, November 1, 2008

The other one has gone somewhere else.

Recently I wrote about my
other blog, and the problems I was having with it. I could not get the format to change in the date stamp and comment areas. I mean I tried everything I could think of and a few things other people suggested. I loved the template and the whole look of the blog but those 2 things I could not change I think I am learning from this blog just how anal retentive I am about some things.

In the end I decided to do what any other normal (read-neurotic) blogger would do. I duplicated the entire freaking blog using a new URL, with just a one digit difference. I did not know of a way to transfer all of the old posts to the new URL so I laboriously copied and pasted every detail, down to each posts' date and time, from the old to the new. If there was an "export" function I did not know about in Blogger - DON'T TELL ME NOW!

Finally, today, I moved the last old post to the new location and then - put up a "moved" post. Unfortunately I was not able to move any comments I had, and I cannot move the few followers I have. I am hoping anyone who follows that blog - will do me the huge favor of moving on to my new one. It's exactly the same except for date stamp and commenting features I was finally able to get just the way I want them. So please update your bookmarks for A Picture a Day, and come have a look. What? It doesn't look any different? Yeah, I know. It's supposed to be that way. Except now if you want to comment it's at the BOTTOM of the post. Like normal! (But it is still a difference blog address. Really.)


  1. Golly gosh - your fingers must hurt!!!!

  2. this blog layout looks great, don't change a thing

  3. I have to admit I had not visited your picture blog, but now I have I must say you have a lovely collection there :)

  4. Phew... your giving me a headache and anxiety!!! LOL!!
    It look just fine honest!

  5. It's too late. The new blog is up and running and the old one is empty except for my moving message. I guess I really am obsessive compulsive. Sorry!

  6. The Picture Blog looks great - I just followed it. Just to confirm Blogger has no export function but it is in the works (Blogger in Draft). I wish they would hurry up with that.

  7. LOL you're so dedicated (and I thought I was the only OCD one out there ;-) The new blog looks great!!
