Remember when I sent the email saying goodbye to my co-workers before I let my boss know I was resigning? Yeah, only me. Well, I did something else a week or so later. Heh. My old job allowed me to wear jeans and gym shoes every day. Sometimes I wore a top too. I jest. I went topless. Okay, no one would want to see that. Ahem. The new job requires business attire, maybe a bit casual business, but definitely not jeans and gym shoes. So I had to shop. Usually my daughter advises me on these purchases but she couldn't go with me on the last shopping trip I made - 2 days before my first day of work.

What would YOU do?
Why - you would send her a text with pictures of what you bought, right? Yep, logical.
So that's what I did. And then I got a text back saying "are you texting me for fashion advice?" from ... my new boss. Heh.
My daughter is Dani. My boss is Dan. I sent him pictures of my new outfits.
Dani (the real daughter) told me "Mom, step away from the SEND button. It is not your friend."
Understatement maybe!?!?