Today was one of those long days at work, knowing it’s a short week but having too much to do to enjoy the anticipation. The weather was beautiful, nice and warm with a nice breeze. And of course I was indoors at my desk. At least I have a window.
I really like my desk, I like the people I work with but today I couldn’t think. Without going into job threatening details, there have been a lot of changes lately, leaving me the only one who does what I do in our little area.

Just by the nature of their jobs – the people around me tend to get loud. They call out to each other and walk from one end of the department to the other talking as they go, regardless of whether they are standing right next to your cube or not, or whether you might be on the phone with, I don’t know, a client maybe?
I try not to get upset because I know it’s because we do different jobs now, my job is more solitary and more analytical and if you’re me and easily distracted – it requires a certain degree of calm and lots of concentration.
On the other hand, I have been working with some of these people since forever, and the idea of leaving them makes me crazy. I get very attached. I love the easy banter and all the laughter, the closeness of some of the relationships.
But it’s very hard to do my job sometimes.
Today – I wore earplugs. Literally. You squeeze these little foam rubber thingy’s or roll them in your fingers, quick stick them in your ears and then feel them expand. Kind of cool and they really help, but after a while my ears start to feel a little itchy and they kind of sting.
I might have to ask my boss to move me.
I still work in a cubicle world, but this is the first time ever that I have a desk with a big bright window, clean carpets and less traffic on my drive to and from work. And it would make me incredibly sad to leave the people I have worked side by side with for so very long. I haven’t made up my mind but it’s something I really have to think about.
Then to cap off my perfect day – I came home and whacked my little toe against the wall going around a corner too fast and I think I broke it. My toe, not the wall. Or sprained it. Or whatever you do to a pinky toe when you smack it really hard. The result is the same, it hurts and turns colors. And to think today was the day I was going to start jogging. *cough*
It feels like a Monday. Thank God it’s not.